Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Shades of Dark & Light

Emotions Scream as they flow like Grey Blue moonlit night storm tides Rushing & ripping across the Beautiful Ocean Waves & violently breaking on the gagged shore rocks. -Roma-

Sometimes we all get Underneath each other Skin. We all rub each other the wrong way. Come On, what it all comes down to in the most raw form, is that we as a whole are all Made of Love. It could be Innocence to some, Evil to others or maybe it is just fucking Drama. But I see the Big Picture, the essence of the universe & the showcase is just like this in Roma Vision: Dance like nobody's watching, party like a Rockstar, Fuck like a Warrior & Love like it is your last Breath.

Or you can just ignore this blog, forget what I say & mundanely Live Your Life out in a averagely boring Loneliness.

But I say NO!!!!!!

Stop the press, stop the lies, cause a Reaction, start a Fire, Burn....Burn....Burn it all down to the ground. Laugh a laugh, shed a tear, see me later, in with the Sin & then we Grin.

Progression is the way to a happy long life. Regression will drive you into deeper depression which in turn = a slow demise. Yes it is a fact. But that is how life is. Remember, progression is the way. Brush the Dirt off your shoulders & LIVE LOUD!!!

Existence of solid life bounds your skin &
soul in Bliss -Roma-

Touch my soul with soft sweet Invisible whispers... -Roma-

Tiesto - In The Dark (Tiesto 2010 Remix)

Well it seems
Like the world around is just breaking
And it feels
Like there's no one else around you
And it's quiet
There is a silence in the darkness
And it sounds
Like the carnival is over

As you walk
In the crowded empty spaces
And you stare
At the emptiness around you
You wanna go
To the city and the bright lights
Get away
From the sinners that surround you

Cause I'll be there and you will be there
And we'll find each other in the dark
And you will see and I'll see it too
Cause we'll be together in the dark

Cause if it is coming for you
Then it's coming for me
Cause I will be there
Cause we need each other in the dark

And if it terrifies you
Then it terrifies me
Cause I will be there
So we've got each other in the dark

As I look into the sky
The stars bright as eyes
You want me to take you over there
I want you to stay with me
Cause you're not the only one
The only one

No no
Don't worry
You're not the only one

Cause if it's coming for you
Then it's coming for me
And I will be there
Cause we need each other in the dark

And if it's panicking you
Then it's panicking me
And I will be there
So we've got each other in the dark

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