Thursday, February 17, 2011

Self Forced Deprivation Is Really Just Torture - FACT #666

I'm totally impressed by this Polish metal band UNSUN. I have not heard anything like this in a long Hot moment. Yes, I like many genras of music. The One & The Only has more interests in him than just Foot Stomping & Fist Pumping House. I'm looking more into my past because of a certain Demoness that has stepped into my life. Its interesting to know that I still like my roots.

It's Funny as I look through my archives & realize I have started many posts only to save them in a private non public folder......mmmmmm I wonder?

I'm highly allergic to mold & if I inhale too much......well I have been to hospital about 3x in my life so far for the good old Epinephrine injection. I used to have these things called Epi-Pens, but when I was younger & stupid. I figured out that you could make Adrenochrome out of it. Now regardless of what the internet say about this, it is real. But, drinking it after Redox does NOTHING. It needs to be further processed & I will reveal this process right HERE. Man I love Savant Syndrome. Thank you Light Bringer for granting me with such a fine rare trait.

Now lets get back to the mold spore production. Upon waking up I am still coughing with a dry unproductive cough, wondering WTF is going on. Sure enough I find the Villian. A nice cup of 4mo ++ old cup of milk & tea. I wish I could tell you who the brewer of this
Warfare Cup Of Joe is, but.

Now put your index finger & your middle finger side by side extended up with your thumb holding down your other finger. Place these two fingers now on your temple & think. Think hard & the universe will tell you what you need to know. Just so you know if you drive anything that resembles a flip flop or toaster this will not work for you. Sorry but that is just how life is.

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