Friday, February 25, 2011

Conflict Of The Mind

This new conflict does not involve the police. I just though it was a funny pic I found on the internets. This is a conflict of my own mind. I will have to consort with conscience #2 to figure this out. Yes, I have a 2nd conscience. I really need one. It is someone that I am learning to trust. So what better way to learn to trust then to make them my #2 conscience. I have a #2 & a #3 voice of reason as well. These are 2 other fully trusted individuals. If you are complex, it is good to have multiple voices of reason. It would be nice sometimes if we where all working on the same level. One Mind, one breath, one massive beat of the same dark black heart. Eventually when some of us are in tune with the other & myself.

So I have a new workout. Its called Fucking & Dancing, LOLZ. No its not that even though it is still working out & a good workout at that. I remember this past summer I did not do one single stomach based exersize. But then again I was living with what you might as well consider to be a Porn Star. So you do the math. I'm concentrating mainly on my body fat. I want to be at 3-5% body fat by June 2010. Which is going to be hard as fuck considering the fact that I think I possibly may be dating a secret Nun. Anyway, I'm in the process of building my Eight Pack backwards. Instead of down to up or full. I'm starting up & going down. I'm doing this on purpose to lift the pecs higher than normal but at the same time doing specified things to keep the Pecs hard, but to keep them from getting too bulky. Last year I started not to look for bulk. I personally think from a real warriors point of view bulk is bad. Thin & ripped is where it is at. Being flexible & wirey is where it is at. When I am done it will have the appearance of a nine pac with the ninth muscle in the middle below the pec line. FLAWLESS!!! I Say!!!!

So lets get back to this conflict. I feel that I need to complete this task. I can say that I will complete it in the most clever manner you could ever think of. I worked out all of the pros & cons. What I can't seem to figure out is the possible Penalties. It needs to be done though. There is no way around it. Points need to be made. That is what it comes down too. They need to be made now. If I wait it will complicate thing further. The only thing about this mission is I always tend to feel bad before they are completed. I feel like a Million Dollars when I hit the peak of no return. At the Cool down I feel like the Shining Sun. Then I feel bad inside. I'm hurt emotionally. When I feel the Burn I try to make it as Spiritual as an experience as I can.

Done. Tired. Sleep. Finally. Started tomorrow & now it is today.

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