Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ahhhh Sh!t & Other Stuff

This blog post is totally pointless or is it? Its 17 fucking degrees out. Can you believe that? I hope it does not rain because that will bring sleet or Skeet which will bring snow & will eventually bring yukkkkkk.

So all of the videos posted are my favorite ones that I want to share. But there maybe back links off this blog. Why? Because back links raise the value of your blog. Want to see how? Check out my other blog called When you log onto this blog scroll to the bottom & you will see a tag that appraises my FREE blog as being worth over $1k. Wooooooo! An I paid Jack Shit for advertising. Idiots pay for internet advertising. Internet advertising is 10000% free if your a master of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Don't be Lost------learn. That is what you were put here for!

Now you can be single minded & not look at the last sentence in the above paragraph. That last sentence for me hits me in my heart on an expansive level. If you know me, then you know.

In hoc signo vinces!!!

I was telling my Phoenix Princess today that we both need a vacation from our life which could be considered a vacation to some, but together on a vacation. I need to get away. Far away from the norm which is really not a norm. Sometimes it is an Exaggerated Norm, well that is of you want to................WAIT! STOP THE PRESS! NOT! NOT! I need to get away from People for a week or two. No not you reading this blog. Or maybe. Well yes it might be you. Are you a Sheep? If not then it is not you. Just to be Alone together in some semi-to-tropical place. Stay in bed all day & just order room service. If it is a cold place we will turn the heat up to 90 & watch the Sweet Sweat drip off our bodies. We are One.

Well I'm going to end it here for now as I have to go check on my cherry red Firebird.

Oh before I end this I just checked my email that is attached to this blog & I was asked a question about very simple html. If you are in the edit html section of any blog, profile, etc. All you have to do to make spaces between wording & pics is this "
". To make your words, pics or videos centered all you do is type this "
". Oh & please leave out the quotes. Those are just there so you know what I am talking about. If you leave the "" in place while you are editing after I have told you not too & your html comes out bad......well then ignore this last paragraph because you are Retarded.

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