Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Internet - Knowledge Is Power

I wrote a very long time ago in notes section of a certain profile based social networking site. But no one reads the notes for some reason. I read all of my friends notes, rants, stories, etc; on these sites even people I do not contact daily or contact at all. Maybe I Care too much about what people have to say or maybe it is because I really do enjoy your notes/posts. But I tend to be oldschool & treat how I am treated. An thats most likely why I do not comment much. I do comment though when I stumble upon something that represents your own raw talent & personal drive.

Always remember, common respect is given in the length of a nice sized rope. Enough to pull yourself to the glorified top or enough to just hang yourself. If you can pull yourself to the top then I happily applaud you. BRAVO! If you hang yourself, then capital LOL, lolz. :-)

Internet - Knowledge Is Power

The media & any other form of content delivery is always controlled to a certain extent. TV news is controlled by the owner’s agenda or what he finds to be profitable. The same rules apply to newspapers because the funding is needed to be profitable. All of the control in the media reaches society in a controlling grip but the internet has changed life as we know it.

TV & Newspapers either portray conservative or liberal views. There will always be people who share the same views. The media feeds into their beliefs & in turn they cause controversy when they can. Without excitement or wrongdoings in this world the media won’t have an audience & they need to portray the event in their terms. There are people who like this, but then there are also people who fund their agendas through the media outlet to gain support for their causes. From pro-abortion advocates to gay rights there are an abundance of causes that wealthy people fund because of the audience the media has created. While the media does have an influence here, no one in the U.S. believes in the same ideals, but most of the media tries to push their ideals down our throats but it has been working against them because of Savant like individuals like myself that make sites & blog posts of the same nature that I am explaining to you right here, right now. We are your eyes, ears & virtual voice, because we thrive on knowledge. And some us like to share that secret knowledge. I have combed the intranet's to bring you this post.

The internet is a recent (GIANT Joke) phenomenon (an NO Bob Dole did not invent the internet Mr & Mrs Conspiracy Theorists - Guess what? We are all Aliens BAH) that provides the public with an alternative to the Defacto media (which is actually government controlled - FACT) that we watch & read all the time. On the internet everyone can express their Opinion & not be held accountable to the media outlets. We are free to say Anything we want. The only reason that the internet's media is flourishing is because most people know that the media is biased. Average citizens now have access to news from other average citizens & not the media reporters who can’t relate to us. Most newspapers, some TV news are experiencing declining audiences & the sole reason is because the public knows that the bias will be around as long as they support it. President Obama (Brothers I'm not shy of my intent either :-)& Presidential candidate McCain both utilized the internet because they see it’s another way to Reach the public. The public disliked McCain & chose Obama because his internet campaign was vast & he can relate to the average citizen. (So he claims)

Controlled information can only be controlled if no one can expose the truth. The internet is a global network for people & the info isn’t restricted to a degree to the few media outlets. This is how the opinions of people can be influenced.


Tear off the verbal Tourniquet, mentally Rip your flesh on the thorn-d concrete Jungle, bare your skin to the Invisible wind of Acid Rain, Scream the secret name & live your fucking life!!! -Roma-


See what blogging about the gov & media does to me. I get crazy & the old demons locked away in my head come out. (most of which I miss >Big Cheese Grin<)

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