Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Online Investment Industry Terminology

I wrote this article about a year ago & posted it on another site. As much as I like that other site, I can't post a link to it unless they are paying me for some ad space, lol.

I figured I would make a list of Industry Terms that all of the newbies or even seasoned vets can use whenever they need too. This will totally help you out when you are stuck & need to know what is what. I would also like to welcome anyone that would like to add to this list!!!

Admin: Administrator/owner of any online website.

PTC: Paid To Click. You are paid to click on banners or text ads.

Autosurf: Online program where you can earn rebates on your purchases/ad packs by viewing a certain number of web pages each day. Hence you are paid to surf. These pages rotate automatically, which is why the program is called autosurf. There are manual surfs as well which require you to do the same thing, but you are required to click on a shape, # or color to advance to the next page. Many so-called autosurf's don’t really invest the funds entrusted to them, which is why "autosurf" is sometimes used as a synonym for the word ‘scam’ which is of course not always correct. I just added this so the all the newbies know.

Ad pack: What you purchase at an autosurf program, a unit price is indicated & sometimes you also receive credits that you can use to allocate to your own sites to add to the rotation of sites you are being paid to watch/surf.

PTP: Paid To Promote. These programs go hand in hand with all programs & is simply called ref comm or referral commission. This is where you post a banner or text link from the site you are a member of, in hope that someone clicks on your banner or text link, which in turn will bring you said % commission off that persons upgrade.

Upgrade: The original name & still most common used name for purchasing an ad pack.

Credits: Point that you can allocate to your own web pages so these pages will be viewed by other members of an autosurf. You can buy these credits & often (not always) you get 1 credit for each web page viewed in an autosurf program.

Referral Commissions: Also know is PTP. Paid to surf programs, hyips & many other sites often offer a % of purchases made by people you have introduced to the program. This gives them free advertising while you can earn a little extra on top of your rebates/profits.

Referral link: This is your personal link to a program you are a member of. If someone joins the program through your link, you will earn referral commissions from them. If you don’t have your own site, you can advertise these links in traffic exchanges & autosurf programs.

Payment processor: An online program which handles online payments. Processors charge a fee for their services. They can sometimes be used to move funds from one processor to another. Using an online payment processor means you won’t have to move funds to & from your bank account all the time. Very useful for international & small players.

HYIP: High Yield Investment Program/Plan. The “I” in the abbreviation cannot always be taken literally. Many so-called HYIP's don’t really invest the funds entrusted to them, which is why ‘HYIP’ is sometimes used as a synonym for ‘scam’ (which is of course not always correct). I just added this so the all the newbies know. In an HYIP, members deposit funds that are traded & will yield a certain result in a certain number of day(s). No viewing of web pages is required to earn.

DD or Due Diligence: This is your bread & butter! The research you need to do into a program & its management before you invest. This again is usually done before joining &/or depositing money at the program.

Depositing: This is the term that is used in hyips/autosurfs to transfer money from your payment processor to the program you are investing in. Some people who are only into autosurfs may call it "upgrading". Regardless of what you may call it, anything that you have to put money into or time to make money is simply called an "investment".

Investing: This is what you need to do to start earning a profit which pays more then referral commission. Please always read the information provided on the site carefully because the way programs work may vary from site to site!

Compounding: Generally speaking, this term means that earnings from an ad pack, upgrade, deposit or investment are put back into the program as active ad packs, upgrades, deposits or investments straight from the account balance within the program in your members area. Not every program allows this. Some will require you to withdraw to a payment processor 1st & redepositing (purchasing, upgrading etc) from there.

MLM or Multi Level Marketing: There are various types of MLM companies but the main characteristic of a MLM is, that you need to get others to join under you to make a profit. Some programs will do the recruiting for you but it is always best to do some recruiting yourself. Read the information on the sites carefully, there are a lot of MLM’s out there that don’t work & the only people that will earn are the ones sitting at the top of the capstone.

Profit Sharing: This is when a program indicates that it is based on profit sharing. This usually means that the daily return is variable & dependent on the revenue generated by the program on a given day. Usually your "shares" (upgrades, ad-packs, deposits) will expire after they have yielded a certain return (however long this takes) or they will earn a minimum daily & expire after a predetermined period of time.

Subscription: A monthly fee charged by a program, NOT the same thing as an ad pack purchase or deposit you can earn on! In some autosurf programs, your subscription level will determine which options you have, for instance with regards to cashouts, and how much referral commissions you can earn. In MLM, the subscriptions are what generates the income of the participants.

PTR: Paid to read. PTR programs are usually free to join. Members get paid for clicking links in e-mails & in the click section(s) of the programs. Rewards per click range from 0.25 to 5 cents per click.

Scam: Program that does not deliver as promised & usually never really had that intention anyway. People will also yell "scam" when a program simply cannot be sustained anymore & has closed or is sold for other than that reason. I wouldn’t call that a scam, but rather a "failed" program.

(above & below terms - this is where DD comes into play on your part.)

Ponzi: A program with no outside income besides member deposits. Members are paid from the new spends that are coming in & it will be impossible for all members to make a profit because one member’s profit will inevitably mean another member’s loss. Programs that openly admit being a ponzi are called games - programs that pretend to be something else are scams!

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