Thursday, November 11, 2010

LSA (lysergic acid amide, from flower seeds) - Preperation for Contacting the Elder Gods

Rivea Corymbosa. A smaller seed, but contains the least amount of the problem chemicals. Looks very promising. Called Ololiuqui by the Central American civilizations and used for centuries for medicinal and spiritual purposes.

LSA produces a long but very mellow “trip.” Many of those who have tried thereputic doses report “a warm feeling of well being” or no psychedelic effects at all. However, it still must be used with caution. LSA is a powerful hallucinogen, and at higher doses can produce intense experiences.

All these hallucinogens must be used with caution. Those will mental problems - especially schizophrenia, paranoia or deep feelings of insecurity - should NOT take indole-ring hallucinogens. The goal is to use a sub-hallucinogenic or minimally-hallucinogenic dose, but you should be prepared for a trip, just in case. This means controlling the set (mind-set -if you fear this experience, don’t do it) and the setting (the environment and the people around you). Best to be in a familiar and secure setting and to have only trusted friends (babysitters!) with you. Pick a time when interruptions are not likely, choose some favorite music, movies (not too intense!) games, picture books or other calming and enjoyable media.
Preparing doses:
The entire seed(s) should be crushed and soaked in water for 2 hours prior to drinking the water and consuming the seeds.

This is confirmed in an article by Albert Hofmann in 1971:

Ololiuqui (Rivea corymbosa) was used by the ancient Aztecs not only as a potion but also as an ingredient of magical ointments. At the present time the crushed seeds are taken in water or in alcoholic beverages such as pulque, mescal (tequila), or aguardiente.

Soaking them in wine for 24 hours produces a lot more LSA than those same seeds would have produced if they were soaked in water for 2 hours.

It is believed a better way to ingest them than crushing the entire seeds and soaking them in water for 2 hours is to" Crush the seeds and Infusing them in wine for 12-24 hours".

Soaking for longer than 2 hours may produce a much stronger effect than is necessary and it is recommended to only soak them for two hours.The ergoline alkaloids can be hydrolysed into Lysergic Acid. That is the reason for infusing the seeds in wine or water for 2-24 hours.

(I understand and appreciate the fact that alcohol is a major CH trigger. However, if one shot glass of white wine once a week is not a CH trigger for you; I'd say that optimal effectiveness would be soaking in white wine for 2 hours rather than wine for 24 hours or water for 2 hours.)

Many have found that drinking a BUNCH of Orange Juice the day after really helped the hangover feeling go away. Another option is to take about 2000 mg of vitamin C

A. Plan ahead.
Get comfortable. Pillows are good. Take a pee first. Arrange to have ambient music or video images... nothing with a 'heavy', deep, or intense storyline (this is for the weak minded people. If I was to this which I would not ;) I personally like extreme mental stimulation. Set aside time where you will have no responsibilities.
B. Check your mind.
Realize and convince yourself that what you are about to do will cause perceptual distortions.
C. Have confidence.
While tripping, trust in the preparations you have made.
D. Remain passive.
During the trip, don't make any important decisions, don't perform any weighty actions. If you start getting agitated, dismiss negative thoughts and surrender to the trip.
Enjoy, it will soon end anyway and everything will be normal.
E. Consider having a "babysitter"
or someone to keep you company during the trip. It should definitely be somebody you trust and preferably someone who won't easily freak out. This 'babysitter' can answer doors and phones and help ensure that the trip remains positive.
F. If you fear, then don't partake.
Shrooms amplify emotions and perceptions during the trip.

The best way to take LSA seeds is to have a light meal two hours before dosing. No fats with that meal, -- not even milk (well... except fat free milk). Then dose, but your flavor-masking vehicle has to be something that contains no fat and is quickly water soluble. Hershey's chocolate syrup for example will mask the taste completely yet it dissolves away from in a matter of minutes -- especially if you wash it down with a glass or two of orange juice or even water.
Before deciding whether to treat cluster headaches using LSA containing seeds, it is important to consider and understand potential side effects of the treatment.
It is probably in the best interests of the patient to start with a low dose in order to gauge the individual's response to LSA. Also keep in mind that for many episodic sufferers, a low dose may be all that is required in order to be therapeutic. It is important that the patient be of sound mind before dosing because LSA can magnify thoughts and feelings.
The following are some of the low dose effects that may be experienced:
Nausea or gas - This may be greatly lessened or eliminated by using tea to dose.
Hints of visual patterns with eyes closed.
Sharpening of senses - Colors may seem brighter and sense of smell may seem more keen.
Slight stoning effect - usually manifest as a propensity to giggle.
Animated visual `halo effect' - Objects may appear to `breathe' or become a bit `fluid'.

It is not unusual to feel lethargic the day after dosing. Higher doses are often not needed.
However a more moderate strength dose may produce some of the following effects:
Twitching - especially arms and legs.
Lethargy - body may feel heavier.
Mental confusion - thoughts may become confused or exaggerated.
Hallucinations - common hallucinations include faces and distortion of objects
Altered sense of time - Time seems to slow down.
Currently there is no anecdotal evidence to suggest that an especially strong dose is beneficial for treating cluster headaches.
In addition, the side effects will undoubtedly become exponentially more extreme and more bizarre. Strong doses will often result in some loss of reality and out-of-body experiences. A strong dose also greatly increases the risk of having a "bad trip".

--8/10 mild trip, body load (body weakness), consciousness expansion,drowsiness.
To date, there is some evidence that more than 2-4 seeds is more effective for some people although in most cases, we believe that 1 or 2 seeds is enough for a therapeutic value in treating clusters.

We feel it is best to suggest that folks start low for safety and successively increase dose size accordingly "if needed" as they guage their results.

--11/16 strong trip , long lasting , first a few hours of Cosmic Contraction: stomach and physical discomfort, mental bleakness, sleepiness (and even real sleep), weird half dreaming states. Then comes the Cosmic Expansion: Awakening, mental clarity, consciousness expansion. Mystical insights.

--17/20 : too strong , the discomfort and Cosmic Emptiness last too long, and when Kingdom Comes, the psychonaut is too tired to enjoy it. (this is if you are a pussy hippie)
It has been stated there's a 1 to 4 ratio of equivalence between the psychoactive effects of HBW and Rivea seeds, 5 HBW seeds being the same as 20 Rivea seeds.

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