Monday, January 17, 2011

New Brand Of Lunacy & No Smokes

So my head is a little crazy today. Its even more crazy from learning to deal with my new brand of lunacy. While I have my own brand, adapting to a new brand of someone elses (wtf-ever I spelled this wrong) takes some magic & whatever else you want to call it.

So I pulled the biggest catch from what I am told by this catch. What a friend of mine clued me in as the "decoy" in establishments worldwide. WoW isn't that nice? But you may ask yourself now.....what is the catch & what is the catch since you have made the catch? Logical Catch 22?

See this is what pisses me off. Ignorance! Ignorance of my own well developed mind. Meaning if you know me. If you really know me you know that you are dealing with a genius & sometimes an evil genius. 20% Angel & 80% Devil. ha ha
Jus kidding. We know that Angels & Devils do not exist. Remember they where invented by that institute of control insane asylum we all call church. :-)

That is really not what pissed me off. I'm happy I met a special someone that has an ego the size of a house. Now we match. How sweet. Would you like some frosty cake?

Reiteration pisses me off! This is what this whole or no.....1/2 blog contains. Let me put the point across simple. If I am told something by anyone bout something that pissed them off that I did or do. Explain to me in DETAIL. NOT cryptic verses like a fucking bible. But explain ONCE in detail & I will get it. Then I will know what bounderies not to cross. This only has to happen once, well if I like you that is.

(in the next quotes this is not pointed at anyone, its just a general note to the world)

"If I do not like you, I have been to know to keep pushing buttons. Why? Because I like to see how far people will go before they snap. Its quite amusing. So don't get on my bad side, my vindictive side. :-)"

Ok moving on. That is what drives me insane. When people treat me like an idiot & know I am far from one. Well there is an old saying: Treat Individual People As You Are Treated. Unfortunately I'm a gentlemen, but I do always give you enough rope to hang yourself with. Ya can't be too trusting, right?

This is what it is. If you have never dug in the dirt with someone, then how could you possibly trust someone?

I know all of the smarties will translate this one correctly. :-)

So that is it. That is the what pisses The Roma off. Reiteration , Blind Stupidity. OH OH!

Almost forgot! Pleading, Begging & being an all around LILL BITCH!!! OMG???!!! Look just because I happen to be highly intelligent maybe even more intelligent for my own good (can anyone say Lex Luthor?) & a pure refined gentlemen (knight, yes I actually really happen to be one).

Please, Please, Please (oops I'm begging, lol) Anyway DO NOT TAKE THIS AS A WEAKNESS!!!!!! IF YOU DO IT WILL WILL BE YOUR ULTIMATE DOWNFALL!!!!!

Let me explain the gentlemen part. I have always been polite, but since I was Ordained in 2008 & Knighted in 2009 the way the world is looks far more different through my eyes then yours. This is a fact because I am enlightened. Life is too short to be an ignorant asshole.

This is not pointed at everyone out there about my sometimes calm quite nature. You just have to know who you are to know. If you think this is pointed at you but you are unsure, just ask me & I will gladly tell you if this is for you. Simple answer to a simple quest. Think of it as me being the winner of a chess game that I have played with you over & over, but weeks in advance of us even playing it.


Oh by the way I 99.9% quit smoke. But its in my brain now 24/7. I fucking dream of smoking. I know I will be a little more brash in the next month or two while I detox off the amount of nicotine I used to consume. That's OK because I now will. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr oh fuck! Smoking a cig was my break from the world. Its weird. If you are stressed in public it is OK to ruin your lungs & but I really understand that it is not OK to ruin other peoples. But if you decide to do 20 incline pushups in public people look at you like you are crazy??????

See how crazy the world is. Destroy yourself publicly = normal. Help yourself publicly = showoff or weird.

YES! Makes perfect sense right? Good now this is what I will do. When a smoker says shouldn't you be doing that someplace else? I will say "OK how about you move & then I will move or you can stay here smoke, but I will stay here & do my Parkour exercises" :-)

Now I have to go. Time is money, time is a ticking, time is fleeting, time is wasting.......I'm wasting time typing this for you. ;-)


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