Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Serial Crushing Jealousy, Alien Lollipop People & Other Amusing Things

OH the drama!......FUCK MINDFUCK ME DRAMA! This Is The Beginning Of The Song. Drama, you will Never Win. You will amuse me to the end of my last dying breath. The only thing Drama causes is Collateral Damage. (lucky the definition for this is quite Expansive) Drama, please don't ever say that I did not warn you. But, drama of course you will say that I never did. That is why all of the drama Queens need to read this blog. Drama, I will not Cry for you when you finally one day realize you had the world in the palm of your hand & you threw it all away for petty things.

Anyway how about a nice clip of a Sexy Blonde Go-Go Dancer Getting Down? Some times I wonder why I stayed & I am not Here? But this a past life, in this lifetime, but very far away. While they all look steaming hot in these clips & you may not agree with me on this next comment. But they are all downgrades. Your like, downgrades? Yes, they are downgrades. Maybe for you they are not, but for me who has been there & done that countless times over. Well they are downgrades. Dirty emotional wrecking downgrades. They all have no competition against the Phoenix Princess. I can name over 40+ points where she is a winner over them. Now some of you may say I'm kissing a little ass here? Nope. The Roma does not emotionally kiss the asses of others. The Princess does not read my blog anyway as she hates the internet. Hating the Interwebs is like hating long stem strawberries.

Do I miss the party though?

What do you think? The music alone is my biggest & only addiction. Like they say
"House Music Is One Hell Of A Drug"

I live for the Dance, the Emotion, the Happiness, Sadness, all of the Mayhem that goes along with the Lifestyle & I'm EX-TAT-IC to know to know that I have a special someone to share it all with me. :-)


I never mentioned anything about all of the Alien Head Lollipop People or the
Serial Crushing Jealousy (not me, Roma does not get jealous, Roma gets amused). I guess I will have to post about that at another time. I'm not feeling it right now as I am in a really great mood. Its 2:30 Am & I'm going for a drive on the GSP, no lights at 150mph in a few choice spots I know I can do that while thumping Tiesto at full volume. Fuck I might die tomorrow in the ring. Muay Thai is the most dangerous martial art known to man/woman. (P.S. taekwondo is as usless as Canada) I might as well enjoy myself. Personally before a match which comes randomly I would really like to see my princess. But I guess we all can't have our cake & eat it too. :-)

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