Friday, February 25, 2011

Conflict Of The Mind

This new conflict does not involve the police. I just though it was a funny pic I found on the internets. This is a conflict of my own mind. I will have to consort with conscience #2 to figure this out. Yes, I have a 2nd conscience. I really need one. It is someone that I am learning to trust. So what better way to learn to trust then to make them my #2 conscience. I have a #2 & a #3 voice of reason as well. These are 2 other fully trusted individuals. If you are complex, it is good to have multiple voices of reason. It would be nice sometimes if we where all working on the same level. One Mind, one breath, one massive beat of the same dark black heart. Eventually when some of us are in tune with the other & myself.

So I have a new workout. Its called Fucking & Dancing, LOLZ. No its not that even though it is still working out & a good workout at that. I remember this past summer I did not do one single stomach based exersize. But then again I was living with what you might as well consider to be a Porn Star. So you do the math. I'm concentrating mainly on my body fat. I want to be at 3-5% body fat by June 2010. Which is going to be hard as fuck considering the fact that I think I possibly may be dating a secret Nun. Anyway, I'm in the process of building my Eight Pack backwards. Instead of down to up or full. I'm starting up & going down. I'm doing this on purpose to lift the pecs higher than normal but at the same time doing specified things to keep the Pecs hard, but to keep them from getting too bulky. Last year I started not to look for bulk. I personally think from a real warriors point of view bulk is bad. Thin & ripped is where it is at. Being flexible & wirey is where it is at. When I am done it will have the appearance of a nine pac with the ninth muscle in the middle below the pec line. FLAWLESS!!! I Say!!!!

So lets get back to this conflict. I feel that I need to complete this task. I can say that I will complete it in the most clever manner you could ever think of. I worked out all of the pros & cons. What I can't seem to figure out is the possible Penalties. It needs to be done though. There is no way around it. Points need to be made. That is what it comes down too. They need to be made now. If I wait it will complicate thing further. The only thing about this mission is I always tend to feel bad before they are completed. I feel like a Million Dollars when I hit the peak of no return. At the Cool down I feel like the Shining Sun. Then I feel bad inside. I'm hurt emotionally. When I feel the Burn I try to make it as Spiritual as an experience as I can.

Done. Tired. Sleep. Finally. Started tomorrow & now it is today.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Endless Passwords & Power.........

The Prodigy - Diesel Power

Yo' I used to check out lyrics upon the Format
Build with Skill with Technique-computer A~DAT
My Lyrical Form is clouds on your Brainstorm
I get hyped, Think, Thought flow
Acrobat, Sync the track, Pump the track
Dance missions, clubs like spores react by
Strobe visions, and hurrying more
Reflects on the dancefloor
Blowin' Up
And having mad people
Showin' Up
Packing Crowds, Jam Packed Venues
Needles Collapse, While Atmospheres Continues
Sprinkle that, Winnin' like that
Movin' like that, Hittin' like that
The melody is Phat!
Yeah, I'm on the Energy Source
The Cosmic Boss with Prodigy
Different astrology
My intellect's Devour
"With Diesel Power"

(Da Chorus)
Blows your mind Drastically, Fantastically!
Blows your mind Drastically, Fantastically!
Blows your mind Drastically, Fantastically!
Blows your mind Drastically, Fanta...

Win, Spin back rewind-Diesel Power
Blows your mind Drastically, Fantastically
It has to be, Automatically
Check it out, You better work it out,
Change to another route
My techniques, Strategies, Abilities
I leave cords of mikes hanging like spring leads
Do a track so fast, beyond the human eye
Lyrical Tactics, Vocal Gymnastics
E's and Pepped Up, You get Scrapped Up
Smacked Up, Backed Up
Your crew's all Cracked Up
Checking flow, Pick choose Quick, You can't Stick
My medical Range is Strange as angles
You get tangled, Twisting side infections
Channels Repeat, Complete, Can't Compete
Check that our Texture, Mind Adventure
Exploit the Point, It attracts, To Devour
My intellect's proceed..."With Diesel Power"


Back Attack and Whack Patch
You're faxing me, you don't want none
High quality acts should be
Still standing, Damaging your other manic
Quick Reverse, Potent as the First Verse
My Amplifier blows on your World's Higher
World's Sire, Cuts like a Barbed Wire
Record player, I pull up on you every day
Fast Forward, I move and I Swing Toward
Exit Load, Put your brain in Right Mode
Selected Mix, The man with Perfected Fits
Has Lightly, Bite Me
Copy Xerox, Cops, Handblocks
You can't knock some out of there
Upbeat Liftin' Shiftin' Persistin' Intelligent Kingpin
Keepin' Astrology, As I roll with Prodigy
"With Diesel Power"

It's all just have to listen to your near & far surroundings to be able to translate what the analogies really are. But they also will not always be the difference between one or more objects or examples. Sometimes they are just answers to age old questions. Other times they can even be quotes of the famed man, woman or entity. Mainly entities are the contact points from where the answers that you may or need to seek stay laying.

Consider that what you may seek is just poison for your shell that contains all of the grey matter. Or it may be salvation to your inner self & maybe even those around you. What it really depends on is why you seek this information & to what purpose are you going to use it in. Then it depends on how much energy you are prepared to use to obtain this final or vast sum of answers. We are not talking about physical strength here though. We are talking about you, me & us all.

What are you willing to do?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Self Forced Deprivation Is Really Just Torture - FACT #666

I'm totally impressed by this Polish metal band UNSUN. I have not heard anything like this in a long Hot moment. Yes, I like many genras of music. The One & The Only has more interests in him than just Foot Stomping & Fist Pumping House. I'm looking more into my past because of a certain Demoness that has stepped into my life. Its interesting to know that I still like my roots.

It's Funny as I look through my archives & realize I have started many posts only to save them in a private non public folder......mmmmmm I wonder?

I'm highly allergic to mold & if I inhale too much......well I have been to hospital about 3x in my life so far for the good old Epinephrine injection. I used to have these things called Epi-Pens, but when I was younger & stupid. I figured out that you could make Adrenochrome out of it. Now regardless of what the internet say about this, it is real. But, drinking it after Redox does NOTHING. It needs to be further processed & I will reveal this process right HERE. Man I love Savant Syndrome. Thank you Light Bringer for granting me with such a fine rare trait.

Now lets get back to the mold spore production. Upon waking up I am still coughing with a dry unproductive cough, wondering WTF is going on. Sure enough I find the Villian. A nice cup of 4mo ++ old cup of milk & tea. I wish I could tell you who the brewer of this
Warfare Cup Of Joe is, but.

Now put your index finger & your middle finger side by side extended up with your thumb holding down your other finger. Place these two fingers now on your temple & think. Think hard & the universe will tell you what you need to know. Just so you know if you drive anything that resembles a flip flop or toaster this will not work for you. Sorry but that is just how life is.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Internet - Knowledge Is Power

I wrote a very long time ago in notes section of a certain profile based social networking site. But no one reads the notes for some reason. I read all of my friends notes, rants, stories, etc; on these sites even people I do not contact daily or contact at all. Maybe I Care too much about what people have to say or maybe it is because I really do enjoy your notes/posts. But I tend to be oldschool & treat how I am treated. An thats most likely why I do not comment much. I do comment though when I stumble upon something that represents your own raw talent & personal drive.

Always remember, common respect is given in the length of a nice sized rope. Enough to pull yourself to the glorified top or enough to just hang yourself. If you can pull yourself to the top then I happily applaud you. BRAVO! If you hang yourself, then capital LOL, lolz. :-)

Internet - Knowledge Is Power

The media & any other form of content delivery is always controlled to a certain extent. TV news is controlled by the owner’s agenda or what he finds to be profitable. The same rules apply to newspapers because the funding is needed to be profitable. All of the control in the media reaches society in a controlling grip but the internet has changed life as we know it.

TV & Newspapers either portray conservative or liberal views. There will always be people who share the same views. The media feeds into their beliefs & in turn they cause controversy when they can. Without excitement or wrongdoings in this world the media won’t have an audience & they need to portray the event in their terms. There are people who like this, but then there are also people who fund their agendas through the media outlet to gain support for their causes. From pro-abortion advocates to gay rights there are an abundance of causes that wealthy people fund because of the audience the media has created. While the media does have an influence here, no one in the U.S. believes in the same ideals, but most of the media tries to push their ideals down our throats but it has been working against them because of Savant like individuals like myself that make sites & blog posts of the same nature that I am explaining to you right here, right now. We are your eyes, ears & virtual voice, because we thrive on knowledge. And some us like to share that secret knowledge. I have combed the intranet's to bring you this post.

The internet is a recent (GIANT Joke) phenomenon (an NO Bob Dole did not invent the internet Mr & Mrs Conspiracy Theorists - Guess what? We are all Aliens BAH) that provides the public with an alternative to the Defacto media (which is actually government controlled - FACT) that we watch & read all the time. On the internet everyone can express their Opinion & not be held accountable to the media outlets. We are free to say Anything we want. The only reason that the internet's media is flourishing is because most people know that the media is biased. Average citizens now have access to news from other average citizens & not the media reporters who can’t relate to us. Most newspapers, some TV news are experiencing declining audiences & the sole reason is because the public knows that the bias will be around as long as they support it. President Obama (Brothers I'm not shy of my intent either :-)& Presidential candidate McCain both utilized the internet because they see it’s another way to Reach the public. The public disliked McCain & chose Obama because his internet campaign was vast & he can relate to the average citizen. (So he claims)

Controlled information can only be controlled if no one can expose the truth. The internet is a global network for people & the info isn’t restricted to a degree to the few media outlets. This is how the opinions of people can be influenced.


Tear off the verbal Tourniquet, mentally Rip your flesh on the thorn-d concrete Jungle, bare your skin to the Invisible wind of Acid Rain, Scream the secret name & live your fucking life!!! -Roma-


See what blogging about the gov & media does to me. I get crazy & the old demons locked away in my head come out. (most of which I miss >Big Cheese Grin<)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Shades of Dark & Light

Emotions Scream as they flow like Grey Blue moonlit night storm tides Rushing & ripping across the Beautiful Ocean Waves & violently breaking on the gagged shore rocks. -Roma-

Sometimes we all get Underneath each other Skin. We all rub each other the wrong way. Come On, what it all comes down to in the most raw form, is that we as a whole are all Made of Love. It could be Innocence to some, Evil to others or maybe it is just fucking Drama. But I see the Big Picture, the essence of the universe & the showcase is just like this in Roma Vision: Dance like nobody's watching, party like a Rockstar, Fuck like a Warrior & Love like it is your last Breath.

Or you can just ignore this blog, forget what I say & mundanely Live Your Life out in a averagely boring Loneliness.

But I say NO!!!!!!

Stop the press, stop the lies, cause a Reaction, start a Fire, Burn....Burn....Burn it all down to the ground. Laugh a laugh, shed a tear, see me later, in with the Sin & then we Grin.

Progression is the way to a happy long life. Regression will drive you into deeper depression which in turn = a slow demise. Yes it is a fact. But that is how life is. Remember, progression is the way. Brush the Dirt off your shoulders & LIVE LOUD!!!

Existence of solid life bounds your skin &
soul in Bliss -Roma-

Touch my soul with soft sweet Invisible whispers... -Roma-

Tiesto - In The Dark (Tiesto 2010 Remix)

Well it seems
Like the world around is just breaking
And it feels
Like there's no one else around you
And it's quiet
There is a silence in the darkness
And it sounds
Like the carnival is over

As you walk
In the crowded empty spaces
And you stare
At the emptiness around you
You wanna go
To the city and the bright lights
Get away
From the sinners that surround you

Cause I'll be there and you will be there
And we'll find each other in the dark
And you will see and I'll see it too
Cause we'll be together in the dark

Cause if it is coming for you
Then it's coming for me
Cause I will be there
Cause we need each other in the dark

And if it terrifies you
Then it terrifies me
Cause I will be there
So we've got each other in the dark

As I look into the sky
The stars bright as eyes
You want me to take you over there
I want you to stay with me
Cause you're not the only one
The only one

No no
Don't worry
You're not the only one

Cause if it's coming for you
Then it's coming for me
And I will be there
Cause we need each other in the dark

And if it's panicking you
Then it's panicking me
And I will be there
So we've got each other in the dark

Monday, February 14, 2011

OH Snap!

Do I have the Power? Who the fuck knows. But what I do know is that I have these little butterflies in my stomach. Its a good thing though & NO I do not need to go to the Doctor.
But what I do need is my own city. I have decided that the idea to take over the country of Cuba is a great idea. I think TMA appointed heads of state would make the country thrive as it once did in the past & the residents would be very happy that their new TMA Dollar would be worth more on the world market. Yes, I know that rolling into a country can cause some issues with the now dictatorship like Gov. But really who wants a dictator in power anyway? Seriously, if you are Dictator you are a BIG ASSBAG!!!!! My 1st order of business for Cuba after the systematic removal of all Dictatorship parties would be the full permanent cancelation of the US Gov's lease of their torture facility & property herein. I also heard that you can buy smaller countries like Uruguay for a cool $550,000,000. I think that it is actually 50 million more than what Madoff stole, LOLZ. Look you can say that would never happen. You can say I am crazy & I will thank you. But what it all comes down to in a nut shell is that sometimes Greed Is Good! Not my greed of course. I am not self greedy. I am conglomerate greedy for my brothers & sisters from all walks of life. Which means as Chief Consigliere (a lill' position I invented myself) to the new future President of Cuba (XLC), there would not be or the poor to lower middle class would be brought up to upper middle class or wealthy or beyond status. Unfortunately I can't tell you how this would be as this is my own little plan & I do not want it stolen. See this plan of Wealth From Nothing far exceeds anything you would have read in the famed book, The Creature from Jekyll Island or in any of the links that pertain to this rant. This book highlighted in Red above happens to be my favorite book. Which I completely rewrote w/ key Excerpts w/ an additional 210 pages of my new Wealth from Nothing For The People Plan. See the orginal plan........Ya know what? Fuck you read the book. Learn something for once people!!!! Set yourself free.

Now my new Wealth from Nothing For The People Plan. All 710 glorious pages, word for word, pictures & graphs are guess where? Hidden in the Grey matter of Roma, LOL. But seriously. I will admit I do have the rough draft on a 3tb locked up somewhere far out of these big brother borders. I will say that it is about 4,000 Nautical Miles away. Damn I gave away its location. Silly me. Why? Because this manuscript if followed correctly can do two different things. One, it can make even bums wealthy. Two, it can be used in the wrong hands to make the world economy worse. Which I do not want. But I am sure the Illuminati does, BAHHHHHHHHH!

Now we skip out of this rant. What I really wanted to post is a video that I dedicate to my Phoenix Princess. Happy Valentines Day Baby!!!! Listen to the rapturous voice & read the lyrics below baby. :-)

You enter the room
You brighten the darkness my love
In moments with you
There is no ending or beginning in you

Move to the floor
The purpose combined my love
Like motion of stars
Dynamic symmetry in mind

Break my fall
I found what is missing inside you
Break my fall
Na na na na na na na
Break my fall
I found what is missing inside you
Break my fall
Na na na na na na na

Always with you
Connected by blood my love
A purpose fulfilled
You're my light in this dark, dark world

I've spoken within
I feel complete my love
The moments apart
Creating a light in the dark

Break my fall
I found what is missing inside you
Break my fall
Na na na na na na na
Break my fall
I found what is missing inside you
Break my fall
Na na na na na na na

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Friday is....................

(p.s. I do not condone the use of Drugs & Drugs do not do Anyone I know ;-)

My Favorite Song Hands Down

Cosmic Gate - This Is The Party

Everything unfolds in perfect sequence
Like a dance
Then I wake from a dream with an angel ... holding me
Mmmm holding me

Everything unfolds in perfect sequence
Like a dance
Then I wake from a dream with an angel ... holding me
Mmmm holding me

But this is the party I want to be at
This is the party I want to be at

I scream

Leave me here
Mmm leave me here
Leave me here to find my joy the way I want to
Leave me here to find the spark that never goes away

Never goes away, never goes away ... never goes away

Mmm leave me here

Leave me here to find my joy the way I want to
Leave me here to find the spark that never goes away
Leave me here to find my joy the way I'm dreaming
Leave me here to find the spark that never goes away

Love should make you crazy
Love should make you crazy
Love should make you crazy

Mmm leave me here

Everything was there within a moment
I watched you
So I walked into the room with your eyes... lingering

Everything was there within a momemt
I wanted you
So I walked into the room with my eyes... lingering

Mmm lingering

Now this is the party I want to be at
This is the party I want to be at

I scream

Leave me here
Leave me here to find my joy the way I want to
Leave me here to find the spark that never goes away

Leave me here to find the joy the way I'm dreaming
Leave me here to find the joy the way I want to
Leave me here to find the spark that never goes away

Love should make you crazy
Love should make you crazy
Love should make you crazy

... Mmm life should make you crazy, life should make you crazy ...

Ahhhh Sh!t & Other Stuff

This blog post is totally pointless or is it? Its 17 fucking degrees out. Can you believe that? I hope it does not rain because that will bring sleet or Skeet which will bring snow & will eventually bring yukkkkkk.

So all of the videos posted are my favorite ones that I want to share. But there maybe back links off this blog. Why? Because back links raise the value of your blog. Want to see how? Check out my other blog called When you log onto this blog scroll to the bottom & you will see a tag that appraises my FREE blog as being worth over $1k. Wooooooo! An I paid Jack Shit for advertising. Idiots pay for internet advertising. Internet advertising is 10000% free if your a master of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Don't be Lost------learn. That is what you were put here for!

Now you can be single minded & not look at the last sentence in the above paragraph. That last sentence for me hits me in my heart on an expansive level. If you know me, then you know.

In hoc signo vinces!!!

I was telling my Phoenix Princess today that we both need a vacation from our life which could be considered a vacation to some, but together on a vacation. I need to get away. Far away from the norm which is really not a norm. Sometimes it is an Exaggerated Norm, well that is of you want to................WAIT! STOP THE PRESS! NOT! NOT! I need to get away from People for a week or two. No not you reading this blog. Or maybe. Well yes it might be you. Are you a Sheep? If not then it is not you. Just to be Alone together in some semi-to-tropical place. Stay in bed all day & just order room service. If it is a cold place we will turn the heat up to 90 & watch the Sweet Sweat drip off our bodies. We are One.

Well I'm going to end it here for now as I have to go check on my cherry red Firebird.

Oh before I end this I just checked my email that is attached to this blog & I was asked a question about very simple html. If you are in the edit html section of any blog, profile, etc. All you have to do to make spaces between wording & pics is this "
". To make your words, pics or videos centered all you do is type this "
". Oh & please leave out the quotes. Those are just there so you know what I am talking about. If you leave the "" in place while you are editing after I have told you not too & your html comes out bad......well then ignore this last paragraph because you are Retarded.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The False Valkyrie, Roma & The Phoenix Princess

Well let me say that I had such a wonderful weekend filled with Beautiful Days. As we all know that so called Valkyrie was really just a False God of Hate, anguish, Uncontrolled Insanity & Jealousy. It was a lot of fun watching the false god loose its mind & what really made my night better was the false god hooking up w/ some random client to try to make me, The Roma jealous. ROFLMAO x 22,000,000. I actually did not find out about it till almost 24hrs later on Monday. Why is that? Because all of my attention was on the
Phoenix Princess & it always will be. When I am with the Princess, time seems to stand still. All those around us seem to be moving in a controlled warp. Going here & there, maybe with some purpose or with none. I don't have the time to waste to concentrate on the lame, Weak Minded & those who have Lost Souls. I dedicate this link out to you Miss False God.

Lets talk about fate. Fate chose me & my Phoenix Princess to meet on a chance of pure cosmic Sunlight that Shined through the darkness. The
Primordial Cosmic Energy path that was presented was a flawless frequency. These are frequencies that you or I can not see. Some of us though can see it once we realize exactly what is going on. I noticed it on Saturday morning in a dream. What I am describing to you only those of universal Secret knowledge will truly be able to translate this.

It is honestly a completely flawless Dream. But a Vivid & physical one. An very far from an Illusion. There are too many false ones floating around on this world. I want to thank to Universal Genie for finding a pure me.

No Matter What You Do if you are in tune with certain frequencies, the universe will grant you what you want. This why Karma is not a real. Karma is a belief of control. Control of your own free will as an individual. Nothing will come back "bad" upon you if you tune & control certain frequencies. That is what it all comes down too frequency & energy control. The Universal Genie is here to do your bidding. But you just have to know how to ask & how to manipulate that frequency. Once you learn how to tap into that frequency, then your streets will be start to be paved in Argentum. I would want my streets to be paved in Electrum. All you have to do is open up your mind & soul. Don't believe in the beliefs of control. Then you will Feel It!

On Saturday was one of my friends/business partners B-Day party. It was great. Everyone that said they where attending that did not show up are lame. Yes, you are Lame to not show after you said you would. WTF? is that shit. The guy you call your friend will never turn this age again & you missed it. There was only 4 of us including the B-Day boy & my Princess that was there chillin in VIP with some Club Girl Hotties. The VIP was hot, small, low key & doubled ad the DJ booth. Sunday was good too. Did the same thing. Chilled in the DJ Booth all night w/ my Princess & my cousin the DJ. Life is good people, life is grand.

I can't wait until Friday. I missed you when you climbed out of my bed to make your travel Phoenix Princess.

I have to end it with this note. I love to type on this blog. It is a huge release. Makes a soul like me less angry at the fucked up world we live in. I Shred with my keyboard & it is a great Escape. LOL.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Why Is There Not A Ciggerette Delivery Service?

Seriously. If stores offered this they would make more $. That's why I miss living in the city. 24/7 365 days a year in snow, hail & raining fucking frogs you can order it all delivered right to your door for a little extra fee. Been drinking all night & since I am safe I will not drive. So I called Domino's as they are the only food place that delivers 24 hrs a day around here & I was like "look I'll order a pie, some other shit n I need the driver to stop by Quick Check on the way (as it really is on the way) n pick me up some Smokes. I'll pay the driver for the smokes & tip him an extra $10 for the trouble" No go. WTF? is wrong w/ people. This area sux. Can't wait to move back to NYC in a few months.

Short rant. Nothing else on my mind except sleep. Actually I wish it was not freezing hard nipples out. I want to go swimming. I've wanted to go swimming since forever. When it is warm I spent at least 50 hrs + per week in the pool. I love the water. Water is life. Hot, cold & warm. No matter. I'll take it in all forms. No one likes my hot tub anymore because I have the heat turned up to 110+. I just need it for body conditioning.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Drunk Posting - (it sux i can spell)

Well i'm blogging drunk on some Olive Vodka which is made w/ grain. Which is OK. But, i wish it was made pottatos & not made w/ grain. Potato vodka is the shit x 22,000,000. Twenty two million is such a funy # to me as it is the #1 person (internet identiy) that fucked me, fucked me bad. But I know that every thing will work out how it is supposed to work. It is only for 1.1K so it is not that much $. Where 22 mill is right now is good. He will learn respect & loyalty which he really needs. You need loyalty the most when you are doing biz. N you need respect when u r doing biz. It is what being in biz needs. You need to supply quality to your clients. Which is also loyalty if you think about. Think please because I am right.

It is supposed rebound of the decoy time. But I just seem can't to do it right. I think it is th3 the picky nature I have. I jus cant seem to go to a bar & meet anyone as every one I see has this fault. This is a fault of life. Meaning the the meaning of what they want to become. I cant do that. Fuck that! You need to have goal to a degree to work with the Roma. Maybe it is the Templar in me. IDK? I thrive trait based perfection. Maybe I should higher Techno Viking as my savior?

IDK? Anyway. I wanted to post some pics but I was in court already for some of the pics I wish i had already. Not good. I was blamed for posting pics of this dancer that was living w me for a while in Nov of 2010. The thing is they were softcore pics that I did not own. Stupid. I hate it when people try to juice $$$ out of the successful. What it all comes down to is IP address & URL's. That's how I was pursumed Innocent by right of IP address. Some chicks are so fucked up. Maybe i will take a break. A lot of friends of mine are like rebound fuck, rebound fuck. But there is no rebound. But being me I claim. WE claim contents, governments, & world populations. We claim it all because We are the begining to to any end. It sometimes sux being Me. Regardless of any fact you think you know my ancestors created the Banking System that is still used today. We created wealth from nothing. All true wealth, the wealth of kings is either created from nothing or of course wars. There is NO debt. Yes the FED, as you know it as The Federal Reserve, is not as federal as you all may think it is.

Its a private corp of greed. I will not go into it anymore as I do not feel like being verbally crucified (which comes from "crux" which means to "fix or bind fast") by my colleges that read this blog.

I keep thinking now of the rape that will come with my drunken sleep. Everytime I sleep a deep sleep I am visited by Succubus. Oh its so sweet. Like honey. Fluid like & sweet. I welcome you.

I hear you calling me
Haunting me
There\'s nothing I can do
without you, without you...

I stand here paralyzed
I\'ve realised
There\'s nothing
without you, without you...

If I could talk to you
Embrace you
Whisper in your ear
I would tell you

That, you are
The only,
The only thing I need

The only only only...
The only thing I Need

I hear you calling me...
Haunting me...

I am hypnotised
As I walk toward the Fire

The fear comes over me
And then I see
The meaning of desire

If I could talk to you
Embrace you
Whisper in your ear
I would tell you

That, you are
The only,
The only thing I need

The only only only...
The only thing I need

If you could see my face
Hold my hands
Look into my eyes
I would show you

That, you are
The only
The only thing i need

The only only only...
The only thing I need

You are
The only
The only thing i Need

Luckly she only comes in the form that I require. Perfect. My style of perfection as mentioned in a previous blog post is 20% Angel & 80% Devil (they dont exist as they are all the same but in regular everydayexplanation that is the only way to describe it in words). But the 20% supposed Angel can be further sculped to what I need it too be. Basicly I need me. A me to be exact. I need Power. I need power. Emotional or anything for that matter. If you don't have your own true power, then I will walk all over you without regard. Not because I want to or will to. Because that is what is required.

WOW! From reading that I sound sooooooooo fucked. But I am not. Your true internal power is being drained by the Illuminati (as the media claims it to be)as we speak, the illiminated ones. Yes I am enlightened. That is a fact. But I do not want to enslave you nor do my bretheren. We want to free you from the mental cage you r in to turn you into the cosmos of your true self. Then you will truly be free as an individual that is.

I kno that things blog will nervr make it to a myspace link connection. Wait i do not habe MYsp I FB. Yeah it will nevr make it there either. Im eating peanuts, lol. So good. Ok I make steak niow & then I pass out.

Bloody As Hell Baby! You kno how I like it.

All I have to say is

"За здоровье"

>>>> If you caN figure out the famous RussiN toast. U r very good. Translation in Latin:

ut valetudo .

Figure it out fuckers, LOLOOLOLOOLOLOOloloololloloolooll