Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Cycle Never Ends

Its a never ending cycle. Yes it never ends. You battle loneliness.....which just when your mind is not substance coated.....but is really hidden sweet misery. Its OK to know that I really actually see right through you & have for a long time. But, I understand your pain. I used to be the same way. But even though we are the same in many ways which actually shocked I and I........I adapt & your Stuck. Which I can't understand because you are so strong, but now I see it is really all in the wrong places. It is just strength unguided, undirected & cut with a ton of numbing cocaine.

I can't understand why people can't adapt to different new things in a rapid manner. Fuck! We are all human. We are not Sheep. But then again some of us are Cows. (I can't believe the link just added to this, I'm so mean LOL). If you keep pushing everyone away it will be the undoing of your Soul here, now & in your next life cycle. The way I feel is live miserable, die miserable & then your reborn miserable. Not a choice cycle if you ask me. Fuck I was happy when I lost my second business. I was happy having to work my way back up rusty chain from living in a homeless shelter to finally swinging from the gold chain all over again. It was a flawless rebirth. From the ashes to glory like a Phoenix!

I learned from a close friend/business partner of mine about our 7 cycles. Which is very nice because 7 is me. I am 7, not in age, lol. Just 7. The notorious number of many personalities & guided through 1 Vast Intelligence. No I am not a computer. (That link was a play to just throw you off & make you wonder if you are really dealing with a real schooled Genius or just an above average person like me with Savant Syndrome.) But many of me think like one to a degree. As I understand reason, love, pain, sadness, loss, gain, etc. The list goes on & on, but you'll Never Win.

So lets all get back to the 7 cycles. The whole point of the last paragraph. Or lets not & leave it as such. Learn about it. Learning makes us grow. Its like a Bearer of Light for your brain. I have learned actually a great deal in the past couple of months that I will never forget. One of my favorite would be the secret about frames. All of the important things that you are supposed to see are in frames. This also includes people & I am not just talking about paintings. Now I see many things that you will never see in hidden frames. But I still look around the frames of course at the other details that are not supposed to matter to me.

Lets talk about Battles. These are not the typical battles we all Fight. This is not a school yard brawl. These are not your everyday fighting words. These are words that slide off the tip of a sword to only sever themselves into your brain for eternity. These words all have their own purpose & sometimes multiple purposes as well. Most of them are formed into perfect sphere (circles are not perfect, only sphere are to a degree) like sentences to Hurt, to Burn, to Control, to Aggravate & even to Kill. Yes just simple words can Kill. They kill your Brain, your body or even the most fun one.....your Heart in such a Beautiful way ;-) You actually here them everyday & they are not just from myself. So why stop? Go All The Way. Push the buttons! Punch the mental keys!!!

Now lets not end this on a sour note. Today is Sunday & it is going to be a day of work. Yes I know your all saying, "day of work???"......yes it is. But it is good work. Today is a happy day for me & the rest of the crew. Oh YEAH BABY! This is a Party! Well a party after I get some sleep because I have been up since 3pm yesterday & I think it is at least 10am now. Insomnia is such a bitch, LOL. Actually through the trials & tribulations these past 3 months have been a big party. I love a to party! (But of course not in a drug way that maybe your thinking. Everyone that knows me knows that Roma's drug of choice is Dirty Dirty House Music ;-)

Whats Rolled into my lap as of recent that was good. Good solid business, new friends, deletion of some ex friends, Clubs, Bars, etc. The only thing I regret is that I tried to be a good Roma. This will be the last time I ever listen to the majority other than my own self (& a select few of course) on advise about whatever I thought I needed advice on. Bad choice. Don't get me wrong. I am always polite & pure gentleman. Some could even call me a modern Knight with old world values. Time to get back into to myself. A nice Sport fuck (#2 is flawless, wouldn't you agree my production business partners?) or Three will put me back on track. Most likely it will be just one as I am picky fucking bastard. Like I have always said, quality over quantity.

Actually fuck that. I don't want any. No Candy right now. I want my dream since I was 12 years of age & my business partners dreams to make its mark on this planet. An no its not the dream the to conquer & take over Cuba. That's a new idea since 2008.

You have to pass The Roma Exam first of course. Which used to just mean if you where at least 20-45 yrs old max at least an 8 on a scale of 1-10 & Krazy-r (my crazy is spelled different because it is good) than a the sky turning neon strobing blue then you where in. But age & more soaking up of universal knowledge has complicated things. Well not so much. I only require now that you are intelligent + all of those other traits that I just mentioned. Or if you are not schooled in the art of organized chaotic lunacy (could be for $, fun or soul powering gain), then please be open minded because I will set your consciousness free. Just think of me as your Consigliere...........

Before I end this. This is where I will be in 2 months. I need this.

I'm out to a trance induced dream land.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Is It Really Just Manufactured?

"When you look at me with your half dead fleeting eyes.....I see that your ice coldness is really just manufactured" - Roma -

Have you ever noticed that a persons attitude is at most times just manufactured? What I mean by manufactured is that it was not what they where supposed to be. They where made to be that way because of certain events that happened in their lives, or in my case it was because of all of the events in my past lives including this one that will eventually end that shaped me & is still molding me daily. These events shape who & what you are.

Most of population (not including myself & a choice few I have run into or run with) are not born bad, born mean, born cold, born Evil, etc. If someone tells you this, please do us all a favor. Slap them in the face & bring them back to reality. Seriously!

I was pre-manufactured (before this life cycle) to Conquer to Thrill & to Love.

What it comes down to is we are all pre-manufactured or manufactured in some way, shape or form. Whether it is Found or not. Most of us are all the same at the base of things & we are Universal not matter how much you think we are not!

Wonderful! I would like to thank my great room mate for interrupting me now at 5:10am, right in the middle of this deep posting. Now I lost my train of thought. Grrrrrrrrrr. WTF?

So lets all move onto something else. I have been asked why do I add music & strange Video links to my lill posts here & there. Well I will tell you. Each video you see is a play on a single word, group of words, sentence or a full paragraph. Its to make you the reader feel exactly what I am feeling or thinking at the moment in time of me typing what I type.

Sometimes though it is just a pure raw dirty play, to play you & has nothing to do with what I am feeling or thinking. But I want you the reader to think I am thinking about or feeling that Emotion or experience at that time. It is your job to know which experience or thought I have is real at the time of the formation of the word or words in play. So there you go. A nice cryptic explanation of why I do what I do. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Impossibilities &

There are so many things that we say we want to do but never seem to get around to because we label them as an impossibility. My real NYE resolution to myself was to act on every one that I came across. Well not everyone because I would most likely end up in federal prison, lol.....or if I ended up with an impossibility as GF then it would be considered cheating. The Roma is not a cheating man, well unless of course I am cheated on. ;-)

See I strongly believe in that old saying with a Roma twist added to it
"An Arm For An Eye". Its so much nicer sounding than "An Eye For An Eye". Don't you think? Now many of you will say that the comment I just made is vengeful. Its never about revenge. Its always & only about the break the deal. Deals, true deals that is. Is the binding nature of all of our souls.


(sorry just being honest. Being brutally honest is so much better than being a lier right?)

Karma is not a real belief of ones true soul. Its a belief of control. You & You & You. You are Karma. Your "karma" is in yourself & even if you do something horribly wrong that someone says "uhhh thats bad karma". Its really not. Why? Because if you are strong of mind & heart (soul yes ur soul can be damaged too for this too work, lmao) you can change the outcome of any negative results that come back your way. What it really is, is the the transference of energy. If you can learn to control that then "bad karma" DOES NOT EXIST. Remember it is all in your mind people!!!

Now I know many people will not agree with the last two paragraphs I have just typed & say I am very wrong or very insulting to type this. But this is what I can say to back these two paragraphs up.....Anyone that detests you have DD Degree? Well I do hold a Doctor of Divinity Degree.

Which I might add is an impossibility to obtain. It is only given by certain choice universities to those of scholarly standing and distinction. Also the US Supreme Court recognizes that this degree supersedes Doctor of Law, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Science, etc. Its the highest doctorate degree that you can obtain anywhere on the entire planet. So what it comes down too is.....I'm right & any argument that comes from these two paragraphs are 10000% wrong. Its OK to be wrong & I personally forgive you now for your mistakes. In fact I fucking bless you:

Typing this new entry I have decided to let someone from the some what of the outside of this vast internet world view a little part of my inner psyche. Its good for growth in any situation to let certain people in. Shutting people out makes the shadows crowd around you while you grow deeper into the abyss of lonely darkness.

Break The Silence!!!!

Stop entwining your complications! Let the world know you! Come out of the shell! Break through the wall & extinguish the lies! When you do this we can all be free!!!

Before I end this most recent post at 4am. I got a couple emails & messages on FB with people asking me why I color certain words or phrases. WTF people? How long has the internet been around? Hello? Are you there? Are you breathing?
They are called links & if you Right Click them you can open up a new window with a surprise. This entire paragraph is big fucking link. :-) Most likely it will be a musical surprise, because all those that know Roma (me) knows that.........
music is my drug & so is good fuck but that is a story for another time.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I've Been Conquered

The new brand of lunacy I actually really like. A lot. I think I was looking for faults or imperfections at 1st because, well if you know me you will know that I have been burned way too much. Emotions sizzled red hot on a hot pan like raw steak.

Sometimes in this strange world, individuals of lunacy + my lunacy x organized chaos + emotions = absolute happiness! I know this may sound crazy to some people. But I am truly happy. TRULY, no joke. I finally met my match. I never thought it would happen. I guess this is why it took so long. You, yes you's. (is you's even a word? Or yute's. Those yute's those krazy yute's) You's of the past can not compete w this present to the future.

So I am off the meat market. I want to be off the market as I have been on it for far too long. Yes, believe it or not The Roma wants to settle. Those who really know me, know that I used to be such a whoooorrrrreeee. :-0 I'm still a label whore though, lol. That will never change. I started feeling the "itch" for it when I was 32 & confirmed this issue as a fact in the middle of 2009. But it is really not a bad issue like the regular definition of what an "itch" is. One of the reasons why it took so long is because of a fighting issue. With myself & with the world.
I had to find my balance before the universe would let me be in unison.

I was on a search for a warrior like myself. Which was my 1st mistake. You can't search really for what you want in this sense. The world was lacking what I wanted, but the universe in all her glory granted me with what I really needed. You have to understand that it just has to fall into both parties laps like delicate individually nature crafted snowflake. I know the true of heart & the damaged of soul people know what I am talking about. So I have met my Valkyrie.......Could this be my Valhalla?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Unproteced Webcams - Some Truth & a Little Rant

Look if you have a web cam & you don't want the world to see you with your finger up your nose to the knuckle.........Fucking register it after you buy it or turn to on in your laptop!! Morons! Why because then people like me that know about shtml index files will not be able to access the you & your inbred family streaming. This great screen shot was found streaming out of Middle of No Where Kentucky. I was watching the text being typed as the it was streaming. It was this group of brothers & one sister talking to I think their mother who was on vacation. Since it is highly apparent that this family is involved w/ inbreeding, lets call mommy "The Mother Sister" & if there is a dad present he will be known as the "Father Uncle 2nd Cousin".

Like seriously! Please tell me! What is up with the Humpty Dumpty head in the bottom of this screen shot? Is gravity that fucked up in Kentucky that it would make someone look like that? OOPS! I forgot, its just inbreeding. lol

YOU NEED to register your cams before you use them FB friends!!! Other wise the world can watch you right in the privacy of your own home for free. Fact!

Ah! Me Hardy! Their be these seas!

Here is one golden link for you to play around with. You could put this into google search. I'm telling you too, but you could:

Axis happens to be one of the Top Dynamic DSN Services on the planet. So there are lots of nice mmmmmmm unprotected cams you can view or even control!!! Yes I said it! Some of the ones you find you can control right from you keyboard. Ooooooooooooo, what fun said the cat!

Now I have to add the boring legal stuff. Please note that my blog is purely for entertainment & informational purposes only. I take no legal recourse for anything you do with any information you find on it.

New Brand Of Lunacy & No Smokes

So my head is a little crazy today. Its even more crazy from learning to deal with my new brand of lunacy. While I have my own brand, adapting to a new brand of someone elses (wtf-ever I spelled this wrong) takes some magic & whatever else you want to call it.

So I pulled the biggest catch from what I am told by this catch. What a friend of mine clued me in as the "decoy" in establishments worldwide. WoW isn't that nice? But you may ask yourself now.....what is the catch & what is the catch since you have made the catch? Logical Catch 22?

See this is what pisses me off. Ignorance! Ignorance of my own well developed mind. Meaning if you know me. If you really know me you know that you are dealing with a genius & sometimes an evil genius. 20% Angel & 80% Devil. ha ha
Jus kidding. We know that Angels & Devils do not exist. Remember they where invented by that institute of control insane asylum we all call church. :-)

That is really not what pissed me off. I'm happy I met a special someone that has an ego the size of a house. Now we match. How sweet. Would you like some frosty cake?

Reiteration pisses me off! This is what this whole or no.....1/2 blog contains. Let me put the point across simple. If I am told something by anyone bout something that pissed them off that I did or do. Explain to me in DETAIL. NOT cryptic verses like a fucking bible. But explain ONCE in detail & I will get it. Then I will know what bounderies not to cross. This only has to happen once, well if I like you that is.

(in the next quotes this is not pointed at anyone, its just a general note to the world)

"If I do not like you, I have been to know to keep pushing buttons. Why? Because I like to see how far people will go before they snap. Its quite amusing. So don't get on my bad side, my vindictive side. :-)"

Ok moving on. That is what drives me insane. When people treat me like an idiot & know I am far from one. Well there is an old saying: Treat Individual People As You Are Treated. Unfortunately I'm a gentlemen, but I do always give you enough rope to hang yourself with. Ya can't be too trusting, right?

This is what it is. If you have never dug in the dirt with someone, then how could you possibly trust someone?

I know all of the smarties will translate this one correctly. :-)

So that is it. That is the what pisses The Roma off. Reiteration , Blind Stupidity. OH OH!

Almost forgot! Pleading, Begging & being an all around LILL BITCH!!! OMG???!!! Look just because I happen to be highly intelligent maybe even more intelligent for my own good (can anyone say Lex Luthor?) & a pure refined gentlemen (knight, yes I actually really happen to be one).

Please, Please, Please (oops I'm begging, lol) Anyway DO NOT TAKE THIS AS A WEAKNESS!!!!!! IF YOU DO IT WILL WILL BE YOUR ULTIMATE DOWNFALL!!!!!

Let me explain the gentlemen part. I have always been polite, but since I was Ordained in 2008 & Knighted in 2009 the way the world is looks far more different through my eyes then yours. This is a fact because I am enlightened. Life is too short to be an ignorant asshole.

This is not pointed at everyone out there about my sometimes calm quite nature. You just have to know who you are to know. If you think this is pointed at you but you are unsure, just ask me & I will gladly tell you if this is for you. Simple answer to a simple quest. Think of it as me being the winner of a chess game that I have played with you over & over, but weeks in advance of us even playing it.


Oh by the way I 99.9% quit smoke. But its in my brain now 24/7. I fucking dream of smoking. I know I will be a little more brash in the next month or two while I detox off the amount of nicotine I used to consume. That's OK because I now will. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr oh fuck! Smoking a cig was my break from the world. Its weird. If you are stressed in public it is OK to ruin your lungs & but I really understand that it is not OK to ruin other peoples. But if you decide to do 20 incline pushups in public people look at you like you are crazy??????

See how crazy the world is. Destroy yourself publicly = normal. Help yourself publicly = showoff or weird.

YES! Makes perfect sense right? Good now this is what I will do. When a smoker says shouldn't you be doing that someplace else? I will say "OK how about you move & then I will move or you can stay here smoke, but I will stay here & do my Parkour exercises" :-)

Now I have to go. Time is money, time is a ticking, time is fleeting, time is wasting.......I'm wasting time typing this for you. ;-)