Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Diamonds Defined & Complete - An All You Need To Know Guide

I have decided to update a guide I wrote in 07' for an ebay store I have a stake in. The original guide was written by myself & a biz partner but was only about 4 six line paragraphs. I am going to be getting back into dealing in diamonds at the turn of the New Year so why not update as it is long overdue. This is the new updated version. Let me know what you think? You will never find a more quick complete guide to diamond buying as the one that I have here.


The earliest gem traders measured their stones by comparing their weight to the weight of the pods from the carob, or locust tree. These tiny carob seeds are remarkably consistent in weight, & this is where the term carat is derived from.

The metric carat, which equals 0.20 gram or 1/142 of an ounce, is the standard unit of weight for diamonds & most other gems. One carat is divided into 100 "points." A diamond weighing 50 points = 0.5 carat (ct.), & is expressed as one-half carat. The carat-weight of a diamond is the most obvious characteristic of a diamond & larger stones are often prized due to their rarity. It must be remembered, however, that the weight has no bearing on quality & two diamonds of comparable weight may differ drastically in price due to dissimilarities in cut, color & clarity. Diamonds of the same diameter may vary in actual carat weight depending on variations in their proportions. All other aspects being equal, the larger the carat weight, the more valuable the diamond is.

One Grain or "a one grainer":

25 points or 1/4ct.; A diamond of approximately 1ct. would be called a 4 grainer, one ~ 1.5ct. would be a 6 grainer & a 0.5ct. stone a 2 grainer.


Diamonds weighing less than 1/5ct. (less than 20 points). Stones this size are set using various techniques as groupings in jewelry.

Weight Representation:

In the U.S., the Federal Trade Commission requires that diamonds be weighed to one-thousandth of one carat (0.001ct.), but that the final weight can be rounded to the nearest half point (0.005ct.). This means that a diamond weighing 0.995ct. can be represented to you as a 1.00ct. stone. However, international convention is more strict & a weight can only be rounded to the next higher point (0.01ct.) if the actual weight reaches 9/10ths (0.009ct.) of a point. For example, the 0.995ct. diamond must be represented as a 0.99ct. stone & to be represented as a 1.00ct. diamond the stone must weight 0.999ct. before it can be rounded up to 1.00ct.

Value Per Carat:
increases with carat size, because larger rough diamonds occur less frequently. In other words, 2 half-carat diamonds taken together will not cost as much as 1 one-carat diamond, as the one-carat stone is more rare. Also, a premium is added to diamond prices as they reach & exceed each 1/4ct. increment in weight.


The color grade of a diamond refers to how closely its body color approaches colorlessness. The best color for a colorless diamond is, in fact, an absence of color. A truly colorless stone will carry a premium price & the larger that diamond, the greater the premium per carat.

Most diamonds have at least a trace of yellow, brown, or gray body color. Though a lot of diamonds will appear to be colorless, most actually possess subtle shade differences. These variances in color are due to traces of elements such as nitrogen & boron that become assimilated into a diamonds atomic structure during the original formation.
Most commonly, a diamond will have a hint of yellow or brown due to traces of nitrogen.

Diamonds with increasing shades of brown & yellow are referred to as champagne diamonds & diamonds with exceptional color, such as pink, red, green, blue & amber, are called "Fancies." With the exception of some natural fancy colors, such as blue, pink, purple, or red, the colorless grade is the most rare. Colors of high saturation such as red & green, which have no modifying secondary colors, are very rare indeed & command world record prices.

The rarest & most prized diamonds are those with no hint of color at all whose beauty is entirely dependent upon their optical properties. Such stones reflect all of the colors of the rainbow, & their value is great. All things being equal, other than the fancy colors, the closer a diamond is to colorless, the more valuable it is.

The color of the stone can be determined by using a GIA (Gemological Institute of America) Certified set of master stones &/or the Colorimeter, a computer which accurately grades the color of a polished diamond.

Factors Affecting Color:

Other factors which can affect color include fluorescence, color enhancements such as high pressure, high temperature treatment (HPHT) & irradiation.


produced by ultraviolet light from the sun, by black lighting or other long-wavelength UV source, occurs in an estimated 35% of gem grade diamonds. (Virtually all diamonds fluoresce when exposed to X-rays & this forms the basis for their identification & collection at mining sites.) The UV light excites electrons in the diamond crystal, which then release this absorbed energy in the form of visible light, producing a blue, or sometimes other color, of faint to very strong intensity. Once the light source is removed however, the fluorescence is no longer observed. If, in rare situations, light emission continues for a period after the exciting light has been turned off, the phenomenon is called phosphorescence.

Blue Fluorescence:

if strong or very strong, may alter the perceived color of a diamond in a negative or positive way. For example, stones in the colorless/near colorless ranges (D-H) may appear milky or oily, detracting from their appearance. On the other hand, diamonds in the lower, more yellow color ranges (I & lower) may appear to have less yellow color due to the fluorescence, adding positively to their appearance. Thus, the trade will slightly discount prices of diamonds in the former category, while sometimes adding a very slight premium to those in the latter.
The presence & color (most frequently blue, but can be any color) of fluorescence & its intensity (none/inert, faint, medium, strong, very strong) are indicated on all GIA, GAL & AGS grading reports.


of diamonds using a nuclear reactor or linear accelerator, sometimes in combination with heating, is used to produce a variety of different fancy colored stones.

High Pressure/High Temperature (HPHT) treatment:

is a process developed by General Electric whereby type IIa diamonds of low color (N-O) or even fancy brown color, can be converted to colorless/near colorless (D-H) forms by an annealing process involving high pressure & temperature.
There is some concern that these color-enhanced stones may come to market undetected, but new research has shown that they can be largely detected using expensive & sophisticated equipment. Similarly, the HPHT technique has also been applied to type Ia brown diamonds by several companies, yielding fancy yellowish green & greenish yellow colors. Pink & blue colors have also been produced by the same technique.

The Color Grading Scale:

ranges from totally colorless to fancy yellow. The differences between one grade & another are very subtle, as can be seen by the number of grades within any one category.

Diamonds are graded for color only as loose, unmounted stones in the inverted position (table down, pavilion up) & under very specific conditions of lighting, background, the distance & angle of the observer in relation to the stone. A color scale has been devised by the Gem Trade Lab. of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA/GAL) divided alphabetically from D (the absence of color) to Z (fancy yellow color) & is recognized world-wide. Each letter grade represents a small range of color & not just a single color. Diamonds are color graded by being compared to a set of master stones.

DEF (Colorless)
GHI Near colorless; not distinguishable from colorless when mounted
J Very, very faint yellow
KLM Faint yellow. Color distinguishable to the trained eye.
NOPQ Very light yellow to intense yellow color.
RSTUVWXYZ Increasingly more intense color, gradually ranging into browns.

Effect of Color on Price:

In general, as the amount of yellow in the stone increases, the value of a diamond decreases, that is until the fancy color grades are reached & then the value goes up again.


Regardless of the size or shape of a diamond, the cut will be the ultimate determinant of a diamonds brilliance & fire. Most round, brilliant-cut or fancy-shaped diamonds have fifty-eight delicately angled flat surfaces, called facets. The placement of each facet is intrinsic to the brilliance & beauty of the stone; if the cut is too deep, light will escape through the opposite side of the pavilion, or bottom, of the diamond before it can be reflected. Similarly, a shallow cut will allow light to pass directly through the pavilion. The cut of a diamond is graded on the basis of how well the diamond handles the light coming into it from above.

The proportions & finish of a polished diamond determine its final face-up beauty. A well proportioned diamond will return most of the light back to the eye for maximum brilliance & dispersion.

Sparkle is created by the facet placement & the surface polish.

How a Diamond Handles Light:

1. When a diamond is cut to good proportions, light is reflected from one facet to another & then dispersed through the top of the stone.
2. If the cut of the diamond is too deep, some light escapes through the opposite side of the pavilion.
3. If the cut is too shallow, light escapes through the pavilion before it can be reflected, thus reducing brilliancy.


is the total light reflected to the eye from both surface & internal reflections.


is the separation of white light into its spectral (rainbow) colors & is caused by its refraction, which bends each wavelength of light a little differently to cause separation into individual colors.


is the flashing or sparkling of light which occurs when either the diamond or light source are moved.


This includes polish & symmetry, is also an important contributor to a diamond's beauty.


Features largely describe the condition of the surface of the stone. This includes abrasions of the facet junctions, the culet, rough, bearded girdles, nicks, pits, scratches & polishing marks if they do not affect the clarity grade. You will remember some these elements were also listed as blemishes in the clarity-grading scheme. However, if the blemishes are not serious enough to affect the clarity grade, they are included under polish as part of the finish grade.


Characteristics include many features of poor &/or careless workmanship such as an off-center table or culet, a table not a regular octagon shape, an out-of-round or wavy girdle, non-parallel girdle/table, facets which don't meet or point properly or are misaligned between the crown and pavilion, naturals & extra facets which are not graded under clarity.


The full realization of the potential of a diamond's brilliance, dispersion, scintillation & getting the proper balance between these three elements is achieved mainly through proper cut proportions.

The Important Proportions:

1. Table size
2. Crown height and angle (angle of the bezel facets with the girdle)
3. Pavilion depth and angle (angle of the pavilion facets with the girdle)
4. Girdle thickness
5. Culet size


This is a trade term used to describe how closely the proportions of a brilliant cut diamond are to an "ideal". For stones approaching these proportions a diamond is said to be of good or fine make & for those with problems of proportion are referred to as being of fair or poor make.

Effect of Cut Quality on Price:

Cut quality commands a premium for two reasons. First, you are paying for a highly skilled diamond cutter's time. It can take many hours to get all the proportions and angles to fall within the Ideal or Super Ideal ranges. Second, more of the diamond is lost in the cutting process, because the goal is not to cut the heaviest diamond, but the best performing diamond.

Grading Clarity:

This describes the clearness or purity of a diamond. This is determined by the number, size, nature, and location of the internal (inclusions) & external (blemishes) imperfections.
Nitrogen & other elements trapped within a stone during its formation effect the ultimate color, & minerals embedded in a diamond during crystallization will influence the stones clarity.

These natural characteristics, called inclusions, make each stone unique; they're natures way of personalizing each diamond.

Gemologists even use these inclusions to determine a diamonds age. The fewer the inclusions, however, the more rare & precious the stone will be considered because nothing will interfere with the passage & reflection of light. The number, color, size & position of any inclusions will specify a diamonds clarity, but most will not endanger its durability. To establish a diamonds clarity, it must be examined by a trained eye under a 10x magnification; the fewer the inclusions, the more valuable the diamond will be.

Be aware!
Two methods used to enhance the clarity grade given to a diamond are laser drilling & fracture filling.
Laser drilling is the process in which a laser is used to drill a tiny hole into a diamond & the black of the imperfection is then removed.
The second treatment is fracture filling. This method is not permanent & therefore not recommended.

Blemishes & Abrasions:

These are tiny nicks on facet junctions or the culet; caused by wear or coming in contact with other diamonds.

Extra Facets:

These are small facets placed to remove imperfections; not part of the cutting style. (Not to be confused with Added Facets which are added symmetrically & are part of the cutting style).


This is part of the original crystal surface remaining on the polished stone, frequently in the area of the girdle.

Polish Lines & Marks:

These are tiny parallel lines or surface clouding left by irregular polishing or excessive heating during polishing, respectively.

Rough Girdle:

A grainy or pitted girdle surface usually caused by poor workmanship.

Surface Graining:

Structural irregularities in crystal growth; may appear as faint lines, causing grooved or wavy surfaces & often cross facet junctions.

tiny feathers extending inward from a bruted girdle surface. (Bruting is the process of rubbing two diamonds together to achieve the rounded shape of the diamond).

Cavities & Chips:

Large/deep openings, and small/shallow openings in the diamond's surface, respectively.


Hazy or milky areas of many very small, usually crystalline inclusions.


Cleavages or fractures often white & feathery in appearance. (There are 4 cleavage planes in diamond, which run in octahedral directions. Fractures are breaks along planes other than cleavage planes & may alternate with them to form step-like feathers).

Included Crystals:

Mineral crystals, such as garnet or peridot & contained inside a diamond.

Indented Naturals:

Natural rough surfaces that penetrate the stone & may distort the girdle outline.

Internal Graining:

Regions of irregular crystal growth that may appear as milky or colored lines or streaks, or may be reflective.

Laser Drill Holes:

A tiny tube made by a laser; the surface opening may resemble a pit, while the tube usually resembles a needle.


Needle-shaped included crystals.


Areas of minute, dot-like inclusions.

Twinning Wisps:

Cloudy areas produced by distorted crystal growth.


All clarity grading is performed at 10-times magnification using a hand loupe or gemological microscope under both artificial daylight & darkfield illumination conditions. Reflected light is used to detect & evaluate blemishes & darkfield light for inclusions. It's the face-up view that usually sets the clarity grade, however the face-up, pavilion & table-to-culet views are all taken into consideration during grading.
Clarity grades are largely determined by the collective visual appearance that a stone's inclusions exhibit in relationship to the size & shape of the stone. It is the consideration of the size, position, number, color/contrast & nature of these inclusions, which leads to the final clarity grade.

Clarity Symbol Meaning Definition:
F Flawless Free from all blemishes, or inclusions.

IF Internally Flawless No inclusions visible at 10x magnification.

VVS1 Very Very Slightly Included #1 Inclusions that are extremely difficult to detect at 10x.

VVS2 Very Very Slightly Included #2 Inclusions that are very difficult to detect at 10x.

VS1 Very Slightly Included #1 Minor inclusions, difficult to detect at 10x.

VS2 Very Slightly Included #2 Minor inclusions, somewhat difficult to detect at 10x.

SI1 Slightly Included #1 Noticeable inclusions, easy to detect at 10x.

SI2 Slightly Included #2 Noticeable inclusions, very easy to detect at 10x.

SI3 Slightly Included #3 Some inclusions may be seen with the unaided eye.

I1 Included #1 Obvious inclusions. Somewhat easy to detect with the unaided eye.

I2 Included #2 Obvious inclusions. Easy to locate with the unaided eye.

I3 Included #3 Obvious inclusions. Very easy to detect with the unaided eye.

The above clarity grading scheme is in accordance with the GIA (Gemological Institute of America).


It seems nearly impossible to watch TV or open a newspaper without seeing something about man-made diamonds. For hundreds of years science has tried to create a perfect synthetic diamond. Finally, 21st-century technology has made that prospect a reality.

There are many reasons to purchase synthetic diamonds instead of the mined variety. The prices charged for mined diamonds are, in the very best verbiage, an illusion. To put it more bluntly, Cecil Adams, in his award-winning newspaper column "The Straight Dope" says: "Diamonds are a con, pure & simple." Diamond prices are largely controlled by the DeBeers diamond cartel & they are not a fair reflection of diamond scarcity. Additionally, studies show that one out of three diamonds sold in the US today has been altered to artificially increase its value. Further studies have shown that on average a couple pays 40% too much for their diamond engagement ring.

Beyond deceptive pricing, there are the issues of "blood diamonds", forced child labor, and a myriad of other disturbing diamond facts.
Recently, socially conscious celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Minnie Driver, and Angelina Jolie have made a vocal issue of wearing only synthetic diamonds to the many gala events they attend.

Good synthetic diamonds are virtually indistinguishable from the mined variety, but without the baggage, and additionally, they cost thousands of dollars less. But, which synthetic diamond is the best choice?

There are many types of man-made or synthetic diamonds available. The choices are numerous, but unbiased information is scarce. Here is an overview and comparison of the synthetic diamonds currently unavailable on the market:

Cubic Zirconia:

The grandfather of simulated diamonds, Zircons are available widely. In their best examples, CZ's are actually a fairly decent diamond replica. Unfortunately, the commodity-like availability and vast differences in quality have made the stone synonymous with low-cost fashion jewelry. Perhaps a good choice for cheap bling, but not for fine jewelry.
Russian Diamonds:

Including Russian Brilliants, Russian Stars & others, they are in fact nothing but high quality cubic zirconias. This is not mentioned prominently on their web sites & they will only cop to it when pressed, but that is the fact. Russian diamond simulates are priced around $280 per carat.

Russian Diamonds are a fine jewelry selection & are usually mounted in quality precious metal settings.


Moissanite is a lab-created mineral that is a very good diamond stimulant. Moissanite has been on the market as a fine jewelry choice since the early 90s & has picked up quite a few fans. Moissanite is a hard mineral that, like diamond, will cut glass. There are a couple of minor downsides to moissanite however. First, it is quite expensive, (though still cheap compared to diamonds) usually priced about $500 per carat for good samples.

Secondly, moissanite does not have the same optical qualities as diamond & there are several indicators that make them easy to spot with the naked eye for an experienced practitioner. It is difficult to produce a pure white moissanite & they often appear slightly green when viewed in natural light. Also, moissanite has significantly higher radiance & brilliance factors then natural diamond, causing them to appear "too sparkly" to some. Overall though, moissanite is a beautiful synthetic diamond choice.

Diamond Nexus:

Diamond Nexus gemstones are the result of a fairly new scientific advancement in processing technique & have only recently been available in the United States.

Diamond Nexus gemstones are excellent diamond stimulants & come very close to matching the properties of mined diamonds at many different comparison points. They cut glass, being virtually identical to a Sapphire on the Mohs (hardness) scale registering in at 9. They refract perfect "hearts & arrows". They have radiance & brilliance readings extremely close to flawless diamond.

Best of all, they are currently introductory priced for the U.S. market & are a steal at $79 per caret. Diamond Nexus gemstones are only available in precious metal, solid-gold settings.

White Sapphire:

Sapphire is the second hardest natural mineral on the Mohs scale, surpassed only by diamond. They are, unlike the others in this review, a natural stone. Their radiance & brilliance are not up to the standards of diamond however. Nevertheless, quality white sapphires priced at around $220 per carat are a good diamond alternative.

Gemisis Cultured Diamond:

Gemisis diamonds are beautiful & almost perfect diamond replicas. Unfortunately, they are not available in a clear, white color, so they are not a good choice for traditional diamond settings. However, if a yellow, orange or pink diamond is what you crave, Gemisis offers stunning choices in beautiful precious metal, fine-jewelry settings.


Synthetic diamonds offer many advantages over the mined variety. You can buy with confidence, knowing that you are getting exactly what you paid for & have not been the victim of diamond pricing chicanery. If you are concerned with the world around you, you can have a clear conscience, knowing that your money has not contributed to the support of an unethical & abusive industry.

However, there are many choices of synthetic diamonds, with varying degrees of quality. Take a little time to review the seller's information to get a clear idea of what the science is behind the gemstones you are buying.

If it comes down to the money, an investment is not in your mind but you want some cheap bling, I believe the best choices are quality Moissanite stones or the new Gemisis Cultured Diamonds. Personally myself I go for the natural diamonds. Why buy something that will be worthless on the turn around?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Precious Metals Glossary

I wanted to post this for all of my precious metals & commodities market fans. If you are into the industry & you are an active buyer/seller/broker/trader then these are the terms you should be familiar with. If anyone can think of any other terms to add, please use the comment box below!

Silver and Gold Glossary


Arbitrage: Simultaneously buying and selling a commodity in different markets to take advantage of price differentials.

Ask: The price at which a dealer offers to sell.

Assay: A test to ascertain the fineness and weight of a precious metal. (my favorite is Fire Assay)

Avoirdupois: A system of weights for commodities except precious metals, stones, and drugs. One avoirdupois ounce equals 28.35 grams or 437.50 grains. See troy ounce.


Backwardation: (See Inverted market.)

Bear Market: A market in which the primary trend is down.

Bid: The price at which a dealer is willing to buy.

Boiler Room: An enterprise that uses high pressure sales tactics, false or misleading information, and scare tactics, generally over the telephone, to sell overpriced or worthless investments to unsophisticated investors. (ROFLMAO!)

BU: Brilliant uncirculated, used to describe a coin in new condition.

Bullion: Precious metals in the form of bars that are at least 99.5% purity.

Bullion Coin: A coin with a symbolic face value but trades at a price relative to its intrinsic value.

Bull Market: A market in which the primary trend is up.


Call: The right, but not an obligation, to buy a commodity or a financial security on a specified date in the future.

Cash market: (See spot market.)

Chameleon: A broker or dealer who changes his position on an investment to what he thinks will cause an investor to enter into a transaction.

Coin: A stamped piece of metal of a known weight and fineness issued for commerce.

Coin of the Realm: A legal tender coin issued by a government, meant for general circulation.

Comex: One of the world’s major commodities futures exchanges where gold and silver are traded. The Comex is in New York City and is a division of the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Commemoratives: Legal tender coins or medallions usually minted of gold or silver to commemorate themes, events, places, or people.

Commodity Pool: A venture, usually a limited partnership, in which investors contribute funds for the purpose of buying commodities.

Correction: A decline in prices following a rise in a market.

Contango Market: A normal futures market in which prices are higher in the succeeding delivery months than in the nearest delivery month. Opposite of backwardation.

Cover: To offset a short futures or options position.


Derivative: A financial instrument derived from a cash market commodity, futures contract, or other financial instrument. Derivatives can be traded on regulated exchanges or over-the-counter. Futures contracts, for example, are derivatives of physicals commodities, and options on futures are derivatives of futures contracts.



Face Value: The legal monetary value stamped on a coin. See symbolic face value.

Fiat Money: Paper money made legal tender by law, although not backed by gold or silver.

Field: The open area or background on a coin.

Fineness: The purity of a precious metal measured in 1,000 parts of an alloy: a gold bar of .995 fineness contains 995 parts gold and 5 parts of another metal. Example: the American Gold Eagle is .9167 fine, which means it is 91.67% gold. A Canadian Maple Leaf has a fineness of .999, meaning that it is 99.9% pure.

Fine Weight: The metallic weight of a coin, ingot, or bar, as opposed to the item’s gross weight which includes the weight of the alloying metal. Example: a 1-oz Gold Eagle has a fine weight of one troy ounce but a gross weight of 1.0909 troy ounce.

Forward Transaction: Purchase or sale for delivery and payment at an agreed date in the future; similar to a futures contract, except that forward transactions are not subject to the standardized procedures and regulations of a commodities futures exchange.

Futures Contract: An agreement made on an organized exchange to take or make delivery of a specific commodity or financial instrument at a set date in the future.


Gold Standard: A monetary system based on convertibility into gold; paper money backed and interchangeable with gold.

Good Delivery: The specification that a bar of precious metal must meet in order to be acceptable for delivery at a particular exchange.

Good Delivery Bar: A bar of gold or silver that is acceptable for delivery against a metals contract.

Grading Service: Acompany that grades numismatic coins. Generally, graded coins are encapsulated in plastic, a procedure called “slabbing.” PCGS and NGC are the two dominant grading services in the United States.

Grain: Earliest weight unit for gold. One troy ounce contains 480 grains.

Gram: The basic unit of weight of the metric system. (31.1035 grams = one troy ounce.)


Hallmark: Mark or stamp on a bullion item that identifies the producer.

Hedge: A transaction initiated with the specific intent of protecting an existing or anticipated physical market exposure from unexpected or adverse price fluctuations.


Intrinsic Value: The value of a coin’s metal content.

Inverted Market: A situation in which prices for future deliveries are lower than the spot price. Also known as backwardation.



Karat: A measure of the purity of a precious metal. Pure gold is 24 karat.

Kilo Bar: A bar weighing one kilogram (32.1507 troy ounces).

Kilogram: 1,000 grams (32.1507 troy ounces).

Koala: Australian platinum coin, minted since 1987,.995 fine.

Krugerrand: South African gold coin.


Legal Tender: Currency in specified denominations which a creditor is compelled by law to accept as payment of a debt.

Liquidity: The quality of being readily convertible into cash.

London Fix: Two daily bidding sessions in London of five major gold firms, at which the price of gold is “fixed” or set.

Luster: A frosty appearance on the surface of a coin, usually an uncirculated coin.


Maple Leafs: Modern gold, silver, and platinum coins minted by the Royal Canadian Mint.

Market Value: The price at which a coin or bullion item trades.

Medallion: A round piece of metal resembling a coin but not a “coin of the realm.” A medallion may be issued by a government or private mint. The Engelhard 1-oz silver prospector is a privately-minted medallion.

Metric Ton: 1,000 kilograms or 32,151 troy ounces.

Modern Issues: Current coins, whether struck for circulation or for sale to investors or collectors.


NGC: Acronym for Numismatic Guaranty Corporation of America, one of two major coin grading services in the United States.

Noble: Modern platinum bullion coin issued by the Isle of Man since 1983.

Numismatic Coins: Coins whose prices depend more on their rarity, condition, dates, and mint marks than on their gold or silver content.

Numismatist: Coin collector.

NYMEX: The New York Mercantile Exchange, a future exchange where platinum and palladium are traded.


Obverse: The front side of a coin which contains the principal design.

Option: The right, but not an obligation, to buy or sell a commodity or a financial security on a specified date in the future.

Ounce: A unit of weight. In the precious metals industry, an ounce means a troy ounce equal to 31.1035 grams.


PCGS: Acronym for Professional Coin Grading Service, one of two major coin grading services in the United States.

Pennyweight: An American unit of weight for gold in which one pennyweight equals 24 grains or 1/20 of a troy ounce.

Physicals Market: A marketplace in which the physical product is traded, as opposed to a futures market where “contracts” are traded and physical delivery of the product may or may not take place.

Planchet: A blank piece of metal used for stamping a coin or medallion.

Platinum Eagles: Modern platinum bullion coins minted by the U.S. Treasury. Click on Modern Platinum Bullion Coins.

Premium: The dollar amount or percentage a coin sells over its intrinsic value. Example: the American Eagle sells at a premium of 5% to 8%.

Proof: A coin produced using special dies and planchets that results in a sharpness of detail and a virtually flawless surface, usually mirror-like fields. Proof coins are produced for the collector market.

Put: An option that gives the owner to right to sell a commodity or a financial security on a specified date in the future.



Rally: An advancing price movement following a decline in a market.

Restrike: Officially issued reproduction of a former circulating coin.

Reverse: The back of a coin.


Short Sale: The sale of an asset for future delivery without possession of the asset sold.

Slabbed Coins: Coins encapsulated in plastic for protection against wear. Generally, “slabbed” coins are graded by one of the two major grading services.

Sovereign: English gold coin with a face value of one pound sterling and a gold content of .2354 ounce.

Spot: The price for the physical delivery of bullion bars, usually 100-oz bars of gold or platinum and 1,000-oz bars of silver.

Spot Market: A market in which delivery and payment have to be made within two working days of the transaction date.

Spread: The difference between the buying price and the selling price of a precious metal coin or trading unit.

Symbolic Face Value: Nominal value given to legal tender coins sold for their metal content. Example: the 1-oz Gold Eagle carries a $50 face value but sells for the value of its gold content plus a premium of 5% to 8%.


Tola: A unit of weight of India equal to 180 grains or 0.375 troy ounce (11.7 grams).

Tola Bars: Gold bars measured in tolas, the most popular of which is the 10-tola cast bar (3.75 troy oz). Although manufactured in Europe, tola bars are traded primarily in the Middle East, India, Pakistan, and Singapore.

Troy Ounce: Unit of weight for precious metals. One troy ounce equals 31.1035 grams or 480 grains. One troy ounce equals 1.09711 avoirdupois ounce.


Uncirculated: A coin in new condition, sometimes said to be “brilliant uncirculated” or “BU.” The term is often used interchangeably with Mint State.





Yield: A measure of the annual return on an investment expressed as a percentage.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

What a great place to take your family on memorable vacation!

I was searching around the web today at places to vacation & I came upon this very interesting city. Yes, it's 100% real place. No, I did not do what I am famous for & Photoshop anything, LOL. I am talking about Dildo, Newfoundland.

Dildo is located in Canada & is very quaint fishing village. After some research I found out that the town name is a mystery of how it was named. But it has been Dildo since before the year 1711. I had no idea the Dildo is old.

While you are in town don't forget to stop by the local post office so you can mail your friends a post card stamped Dildo, lol. I think this is wonderful & I want a Dildo post card to frame on my wall!

Remember though before you leave please don't forget to pose in a pic with the town's mascot. The Captain statue is said to be Captain Cook. Although it looks too modern to be the infamous man himself.

I heard this is a great place for a romantic picnic.

While your at it if you want to make a lasting impression on your children make sure to visit these great vacation spots as well!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Die Da Wan Trauma pills proper dosage

Since I train in the Art of Muay Thai/Boran & Iron Palm I have to prepare my body daily for the super human stresses I put it under. Taking these ancient herbs are the key to success in the Arts. Let me tell you though that Die Da Wan is the most horrible tasting herd I have ever ingested. Nothing & I mean nothing gets rid of that taste in your mouth. Not even Brandy as that one of the counter parts.

Die Da Wan Trauma Pills clears blockages of qi, blood, and fluids that have accumulated at the site of an injury, preventing blood from congealing in the tissues of the injured area. It's good for multiple bruises, contusions, etc from getting "beaten up", sprains, strains, and fractures.

Die Da Wan pills are taken internally as the counterpart to externally applied Dit Da Jow Liniment. Trauma pills are for short term use & should be taken the first 24-36 hours of a sprain or during the first week after a contusion, break or fracture.

Each pill comes as a waxy ball, meant to be broken open and the dark herb ball inside is taken (chewed) with hot water and optionally chased by warm liquor like whisky or brandy.

Quantity: Take 1 pills 1-2 times per day for 1 or 2 days.

LSA (lysergic acid amide, from flower seeds) - Preperation for Contacting the Elder Gods

Rivea Corymbosa. A smaller seed, but contains the least amount of the problem chemicals. Looks very promising. Called Ololiuqui by the Central American civilizations and used for centuries for medicinal and spiritual purposes.

LSA produces a long but very mellow “trip.” Many of those who have tried thereputic doses report “a warm feeling of well being” or no psychedelic effects at all. However, it still must be used with caution. LSA is a powerful hallucinogen, and at higher doses can produce intense experiences.

All these hallucinogens must be used with caution. Those will mental problems - especially schizophrenia, paranoia or deep feelings of insecurity - should NOT take indole-ring hallucinogens. The goal is to use a sub-hallucinogenic or minimally-hallucinogenic dose, but you should be prepared for a trip, just in case. This means controlling the set (mind-set -if you fear this experience, don’t do it) and the setting (the environment and the people around you). Best to be in a familiar and secure setting and to have only trusted friends (babysitters!) with you. Pick a time when interruptions are not likely, choose some favorite music, movies (not too intense!) games, picture books or other calming and enjoyable media.
Preparing doses:
The entire seed(s) should be crushed and soaked in water for 2 hours prior to drinking the water and consuming the seeds.

This is confirmed in an article by Albert Hofmann in 1971:

Ololiuqui (Rivea corymbosa) was used by the ancient Aztecs not only as a potion but also as an ingredient of magical ointments. At the present time the crushed seeds are taken in water or in alcoholic beverages such as pulque, mescal (tequila), or aguardiente.

Soaking them in wine for 24 hours produces a lot more LSA than those same seeds would have produced if they were soaked in water for 2 hours.

It is believed a better way to ingest them than crushing the entire seeds and soaking them in water for 2 hours is to" Crush the seeds and Infusing them in wine for 12-24 hours".

Soaking for longer than 2 hours may produce a much stronger effect than is necessary and it is recommended to only soak them for two hours.The ergoline alkaloids can be hydrolysed into Lysergic Acid. That is the reason for infusing the seeds in wine or water for 2-24 hours.

(I understand and appreciate the fact that alcohol is a major CH trigger. However, if one shot glass of white wine once a week is not a CH trigger for you; I'd say that optimal effectiveness would be soaking in white wine for 2 hours rather than wine for 24 hours or water for 2 hours.)

Many have found that drinking a BUNCH of Orange Juice the day after really helped the hangover feeling go away. Another option is to take about 2000 mg of vitamin C

A. Plan ahead.
Get comfortable. Pillows are good. Take a pee first. Arrange to have ambient music or video images... nothing with a 'heavy', deep, or intense storyline (this is for the weak minded people. If I was to this which I would not ;) I personally like extreme mental stimulation. Set aside time where you will have no responsibilities.
B. Check your mind.
Realize and convince yourself that what you are about to do will cause perceptual distortions.
C. Have confidence.
While tripping, trust in the preparations you have made.
D. Remain passive.
During the trip, don't make any important decisions, don't perform any weighty actions. If you start getting agitated, dismiss negative thoughts and surrender to the trip.
Enjoy, it will soon end anyway and everything will be normal.
E. Consider having a "babysitter"
or someone to keep you company during the trip. It should definitely be somebody you trust and preferably someone who won't easily freak out. This 'babysitter' can answer doors and phones and help ensure that the trip remains positive.
F. If you fear, then don't partake.
Shrooms amplify emotions and perceptions during the trip.

The best way to take LSA seeds is to have a light meal two hours before dosing. No fats with that meal, -- not even milk (well... except fat free milk). Then dose, but your flavor-masking vehicle has to be something that contains no fat and is quickly water soluble. Hershey's chocolate syrup for example will mask the taste completely yet it dissolves away from in a matter of minutes -- especially if you wash it down with a glass or two of orange juice or even water.
Before deciding whether to treat cluster headaches using LSA containing seeds, it is important to consider and understand potential side effects of the treatment.
It is probably in the best interests of the patient to start with a low dose in order to gauge the individual's response to LSA. Also keep in mind that for many episodic sufferers, a low dose may be all that is required in order to be therapeutic. It is important that the patient be of sound mind before dosing because LSA can magnify thoughts and feelings.
The following are some of the low dose effects that may be experienced:
Nausea or gas - This may be greatly lessened or eliminated by using tea to dose.
Hints of visual patterns with eyes closed.
Sharpening of senses - Colors may seem brighter and sense of smell may seem more keen.
Slight stoning effect - usually manifest as a propensity to giggle.
Animated visual `halo effect' - Objects may appear to `breathe' or become a bit `fluid'.

It is not unusual to feel lethargic the day after dosing. Higher doses are often not needed.
However a more moderate strength dose may produce some of the following effects:
Twitching - especially arms and legs.
Lethargy - body may feel heavier.
Mental confusion - thoughts may become confused or exaggerated.
Hallucinations - common hallucinations include faces and distortion of objects
Altered sense of time - Time seems to slow down.
Currently there is no anecdotal evidence to suggest that an especially strong dose is beneficial for treating cluster headaches.
In addition, the side effects will undoubtedly become exponentially more extreme and more bizarre. Strong doses will often result in some loss of reality and out-of-body experiences. A strong dose also greatly increases the risk of having a "bad trip".

--8/10 mild trip, body load (body weakness), consciousness expansion,drowsiness.
To date, there is some evidence that more than 2-4 seeds is more effective for some people although in most cases, we believe that 1 or 2 seeds is enough for a therapeutic value in treating clusters.

We feel it is best to suggest that folks start low for safety and successively increase dose size accordingly "if needed" as they guage their results.

--11/16 strong trip , long lasting , first a few hours of Cosmic Contraction: stomach and physical discomfort, mental bleakness, sleepiness (and even real sleep), weird half dreaming states. Then comes the Cosmic Expansion: Awakening, mental clarity, consciousness expansion. Mystical insights.

--17/20 : too strong , the discomfort and Cosmic Emptiness last too long, and when Kingdom Comes, the psychonaut is too tired to enjoy it. (this is if you are a pussy hippie)
It has been stated there's a 1 to 4 ratio of equivalence between the psychoactive effects of HBW and Rivea seeds, 5 HBW seeds being the same as 20 Rivea seeds.

Some Great Ways To Thank Your Auction Buyer/Seller After A Sucessful Transaction

»(¯`v´¯)» A »(¯`v´¯)»GREAT»(¯`v´¯)»SELLER»(¯`v´¯)»
¤Âº°`°Âº¤Ã¸,¸¸,ø¤Âº°`°ÂºGREAT SELLER THANK YOUºø,¸¸,ø¤Âº°`°Âº¤Ã¸,¸¸,ø¤Âº
•A +++ •.·´¯`·.•B•.·´¯`·.•U•.·´¯`·.•Y•.·´¯`·.•E•.·´¯`·.•R•
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‹(•¿•)› .Perfect.‹(•¿•)› ‹(•¿•)› .... Great eBayer .....Thanks! ‹(•¿•)›
(¯`'•.¸#*#*#* Perfect Seller!!! *#*#*#¸.•'´¯)
:¦:EXCELLENT BUYER!*•-:¦:-•:*'''*:•-:¦:-THANKS*•-:¦:
(¯`'·Ã¸,¸¸(•¿•)¸.,ø'¯)TERRIFIC SELLER(¯`'·Ã¸,¸¸(•¿•)¸.,ø'¯)
«:::H:::»«:::A:::»«:::P:::»« :::P:::»«:::Y:::»«:::BUYER:::»
(¯`'•.¸GREAT EBAYER ¸.•'´¯) (¯`'•.¸COME BACK REAL SOON¸.•'´¯)
. (•¿•)YOU MAKE(•¿•)BUYERS(•¿•)LOOK GOOD(•¿•)
Provided by:
(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•SUPER STAR eBayer•'´¯)¸.•'´¯)¸.•'´¯)
(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•SUPER STAR Seller•'´¯)¸.•'´¯)¸.•'´¯)
(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•SUPER STAR Buyer•'´¯)¸.•'´¯)¸.•'´¯)
I»-(¯`v´¯)-»THIS BUYER!FAST PAY!SUPER SWEET!»-(¯`v´¯)-»
(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•MY FAVORITE SELLER•'´¯)¸.•'´¯)
(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•MY FAVORITE BUYER•'´¯)¸.•'´¯)
¸,ø¤Âº°`°Âº¤Ã¸Ã¸Ã¸•• E•X•C•E•L•L•E•N•T ¤¤ B•U•Y•E•R ••Ã¸Ã¸Ã¸¤Âº°`°Âº¤Ã¸,¸
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ø¤Âº°`°Âº¤Ã¸,¸¸,ø¤Âº°`°Âº¤Ã¸,¸¸,ø¤Âº(((( TOP EBAYER ))))º¤Ã¸,¸¸,ø¤Âº°`°Âº¤Ã¸,¸¸,ø¤Âº°`°Âº¤Ã¸
•*´¯`*•.¸ .. ¥ .. ¸.•*´¯`*• !!!!! THANKS !!!!! •*´¯`*•.¸ .. ¥ .. ¸.•*´¯`*•
‹(•¿•)› ....Perfect..... ‹(•¿•)› ‹(•¿•)› .... Great eBayer .....Thanks! ‹(•¿•)›
(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•.¸ #*#*#* Perfect Seller !!! *#*#*#¸.•'´¯)¸.•'´¯)¸.•'´¯)
ª"˜¨¨¯¯¨¨˜"ª¤ Top eBuyer¤Âª"˜¨¨¯¯¨¨˜"ªFast Payª"˜¨¨¯¯¨¨˜"ª¤Thanks¤Âª"˜¨¨¯¯¨¨˜"ª
(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•.¸ #*#*#* Perfect Buyer !!! *#*#*#¸.•'´¯)¸.•'´¯)¸.•'´¯)
JUST AWESOME.•:*¨¨*:•.T.•:*¨¨*:•.H.•:*¨¨*:•.A.•:*¨¨*:•.N.•:*¨¨*:•.K.•:*¨¨*:•..S
W****O****N****D****E****R****F****U****L*** SELLER !!!!
W****O****N****D****E****R****F****U****L*** BUYER !!!!
.•:*¨¨*:•.A.•:*¨¨*:•.FIVE.•:*¨¨*:•.STAR.•:*¨¨*:•.SELLER.•:*¨¨*:•. Thank You!
.•:*¨¨*:•.A.•:*¨¨*:•.FIVE.•:*¨¨*:•.STAR.•:*¨¨*:•.BUYER.•:*¨¨*:•. Thank You!
¦:-•:*'""*:•.-:¦:-•*oUtStAnDiNg WoNdErFuL TRANSACTION*•-:¦:-•:*'''''*:•-:¦:-

What Is The Basics of an MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing)

This post is not a post of anyone to try out. It is an example of how an simple MLM is born & shows the mechanics of how a simple MLM works. There are many fancy MLM websites out there where the Admin(s) spend sometimes up to thousands on graphics, coding, ads, etc (which is stupid on their part because you can outsource all of your site work to say India or Estonia & pay pennies on the dollar for the same quality work). But what it all breaks down to is the mechanics that run the site to bring in its profit. Before there was pixels on the web, when the web was born. There where simple MLM Emails such as this one below. Don't get me wrong these things can make you wealthy fast, not rich if that is what you are thinking. But this system is also highly illegal because now it is classified as a pryamid scheme. But if you are licensed though to take in investments then it is not illegal. You pay some Gov fees & you can take investments, LOL. Well it goes to show the big dogs need to eat too. But, there is also a HUGE loop hole in this system is well that makes it 100% Legal without a license. Its call "Gifting" or "Cash Gifting". If you label your program is any one of these two wordings then it is 100% Legal. Isn't the Red Tape so funny sometimes. What it comes down to is the wording. So again don't try this & just use this posting as an example of the mechanics behind a simple MLM. :-)

Multi-Level-Marketing Simplified

There is a list of 6 email addresses (you’ll see it as you read further). Each of these people has already taken part in this system. When someone new comes along (such as yourself) he/she removes #1 off of the list, moves the other five email addresses up one position (i.e. #6 goes to #5, #5 to #4, etc.), and adds their Pay Pal email address in the 6 position. This process is what develops the power of compounding. The bottom line is this… Honesty and Integrity creates Profitability. Following this EXACT process is what creates the money, and that is why this system has been raved about. Altering the system creates weak results. The legality of this system comes from the idea that you are of course creating a mailing list, and a “service” is being provided (more on that later.)


The first thing to do COPY, PASTE and SAVE this entire post in word or notepad on your computer so you can come back to it later. After that, if you are not already a Pay Pal user you need to go to the Pay Pal website at and SIGN UP. To receive credit card payments from other people you must sign up for a PREMIER or BUSINESS account (not just a PERSONAL account). This is highly recommended to allow others easy payment options. To place the initial $6 into your account, you will have to verify your bank account with PAYPAL (which may take a few days). PAYPAL is 100% secure and is used by millions of people worldwide.

Here is where the action occurs. Next send a $1.00 payment to each of the 6 email addresses on the current list from your Pay Pal account. To do this quickly and successfully, follow these simple steps:

1. Login to Pay Pal and click the “Send Money” tab near top of screen
2. In the “Recipient’s Email” field type: the email address
3. In the “Amount” field type: “1 (your $1.00 payment)
4. In the “Category” field select: “Service” (Keeping it legal)
5. In the “subject” field type: “EMAIL LIST”,
6. In the “message” field type: “PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST”. (By doing this, you are creating a service and maintaining the legality of the system by “paying” for the service.)
7. Finally, click on the “Continue” button to complete the payment.
8. Repeat these steps for each of the 6 email addresses.

That’s it! (By sending the $1.00 payment to each address, you are implementing the compounding POWER of the system!)

Here is the current e-mail list:
The email list:

1) (see no emails as I don't do things like this :-)


Now take the 1 email off of the list that you see above (from your saved file), move the other addresses up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc.) and add YOUR email address (the one used for your Pay Pal account) as number 6 on the list. This is the only part of the document that should be changed. **Make sure to use the email address you registered with Pay Pal**

now post new file created in STEP 3 to at least 200 newsgroups or message boards. Keep in mind that there are tens of thousands of groups online! All you need is 200, but remember the more you post the more money you make as well as everyone else on the list!
Use Netscape, Internet Explorer, Fire fox, Safari, or whatever your internet browser is to search for various news groups, on-line forums, message boards, bulletin boards, chat sites, discussions, discussion groups, on-line communities, etc.

For example? Log on to any search engine like or and type in a subject like ‘MILLIONAIRE MESSAGE BOARD’, MONEY MAKING DISCUSSIONS’, ‘MONEY MAKING FORUMS’, or ‘BUSINESS MESSAGE BOARD’, etc. You will find thousands and thousands of message boards. Click them one by one and you will find the option to post a new message. Fill in the subject, which will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, and post the article with the NEW list of email addresses included. THAT’S IT!!! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away. After you get the hang of it, it will take about 60 seconds for each newsgroup.

When you post 200 messages in various forums, it is estimated that at LEAST 15 people will respond and send you a $1.00 ($15.00). Those 15 will Post 200 Posts each and 225 people send you $1.00 ($225.00), etc. through 6 levels of email addresses. For comprehension purposes, here is an easy viewing chart:

1) 15(1) = 15 people ($1) = $15
2) 15(15) = 225 people ($1) = $225
3) 15(225) = 3375 people ($1) = $3,375
4) 15(3375) = 50625 people ($1) = $50,625
5) 15(50625) = 759375 people ($1) = $75,9375

Within a few WEEKS you begin to see results, thanks to the speed of the internet! When your name is no longer on the list, take the latest posting in the newsgroups and begin the process again. Simply amazing…Follow the system as described, and enjoy your PROFITS!!!


Remember that most news servers will leave the posted messages on there servers for about 2 weeks. If you will post your message again, it WILL again start from the beginning. So you can repeat this over and over again. There are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the Internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try. Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users of the Internet, every day.
!!!!! REMEMBER!!!!! Follow every step, and IT WILL WORK!!!

What Defamation of Character Really Is - An Indept Look

Many people have seen users that are rude and abusive towards other users. What many don't realize is that when things get out of control and the abusive attacks become personal insults on a persons integrity or honor legal action CAN be taken against the abuser. Lets define for a second what defamation of character is. In law, defamation (also called calumny, libel, slander, and vilification) is the communication of a statement that makes a false claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government or nation a negative image.( Where as simple name calling online isn't really by definition libel or defamation of character most of us let that sort of thing slide. however what we cannot let slide are the more serious attacks. For example if someone where to say on a profile site, accusing you of being a pimp that pimps out girls (which would not be true because you are not a pimp) that would be an insult to your integrity and it would shed a negative light on your personal reputation. That sort of thing is defamation of character and one can take legal action against the person that posted it. Did you realize that anything we post can be used against you in a court of law? Does knowing this now make you more aware of what you are about to post before you post it? have you ever had anyone commit libel against you?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Online Investment Industry Terminology

I wrote this article about a year ago & posted it on another site. As much as I like that other site, I can't post a link to it unless they are paying me for some ad space, lol.

I figured I would make a list of Industry Terms that all of the newbies or even seasoned vets can use whenever they need too. This will totally help you out when you are stuck & need to know what is what. I would also like to welcome anyone that would like to add to this list!!!

Admin: Administrator/owner of any online website.

PTC: Paid To Click. You are paid to click on banners or text ads.

Autosurf: Online program where you can earn rebates on your purchases/ad packs by viewing a certain number of web pages each day. Hence you are paid to surf. These pages rotate automatically, which is why the program is called autosurf. There are manual surfs as well which require you to do the same thing, but you are required to click on a shape, # or color to advance to the next page. Many so-called autosurf's don’t really invest the funds entrusted to them, which is why "autosurf" is sometimes used as a synonym for the word ‘scam’ which is of course not always correct. I just added this so the all the newbies know.

Ad pack: What you purchase at an autosurf program, a unit price is indicated & sometimes you also receive credits that you can use to allocate to your own sites to add to the rotation of sites you are being paid to watch/surf.

PTP: Paid To Promote. These programs go hand in hand with all programs & is simply called ref comm or referral commission. This is where you post a banner or text link from the site you are a member of, in hope that someone clicks on your banner or text link, which in turn will bring you said % commission off that persons upgrade.

Upgrade: The original name & still most common used name for purchasing an ad pack.

Credits: Point that you can allocate to your own web pages so these pages will be viewed by other members of an autosurf. You can buy these credits & often (not always) you get 1 credit for each web page viewed in an autosurf program.

Referral Commissions: Also know is PTP. Paid to surf programs, hyips & many other sites often offer a % of purchases made by people you have introduced to the program. This gives them free advertising while you can earn a little extra on top of your rebates/profits.

Referral link: This is your personal link to a program you are a member of. If someone joins the program through your link, you will earn referral commissions from them. If you don’t have your own site, you can advertise these links in traffic exchanges & autosurf programs.

Payment processor: An online program which handles online payments. Processors charge a fee for their services. They can sometimes be used to move funds from one processor to another. Using an online payment processor means you won’t have to move funds to & from your bank account all the time. Very useful for international & small players.

HYIP: High Yield Investment Program/Plan. The “I” in the abbreviation cannot always be taken literally. Many so-called HYIP's don’t really invest the funds entrusted to them, which is why ‘HYIP’ is sometimes used as a synonym for ‘scam’ (which is of course not always correct). I just added this so the all the newbies know. In an HYIP, members deposit funds that are traded & will yield a certain result in a certain number of day(s). No viewing of web pages is required to earn.

DD or Due Diligence: This is your bread & butter! The research you need to do into a program & its management before you invest. This again is usually done before joining &/or depositing money at the program.

Depositing: This is the term that is used in hyips/autosurfs to transfer money from your payment processor to the program you are investing in. Some people who are only into autosurfs may call it "upgrading". Regardless of what you may call it, anything that you have to put money into or time to make money is simply called an "investment".

Investing: This is what you need to do to start earning a profit which pays more then referral commission. Please always read the information provided on the site carefully because the way programs work may vary from site to site!

Compounding: Generally speaking, this term means that earnings from an ad pack, upgrade, deposit or investment are put back into the program as active ad packs, upgrades, deposits or investments straight from the account balance within the program in your members area. Not every program allows this. Some will require you to withdraw to a payment processor 1st & redepositing (purchasing, upgrading etc) from there.

MLM or Multi Level Marketing: There are various types of MLM companies but the main characteristic of a MLM is, that you need to get others to join under you to make a profit. Some programs will do the recruiting for you but it is always best to do some recruiting yourself. Read the information on the sites carefully, there are a lot of MLM’s out there that don’t work & the only people that will earn are the ones sitting at the top of the capstone.

Profit Sharing: This is when a program indicates that it is based on profit sharing. This usually means that the daily return is variable & dependent on the revenue generated by the program on a given day. Usually your "shares" (upgrades, ad-packs, deposits) will expire after they have yielded a certain return (however long this takes) or they will earn a minimum daily & expire after a predetermined period of time.

Subscription: A monthly fee charged by a program, NOT the same thing as an ad pack purchase or deposit you can earn on! In some autosurf programs, your subscription level will determine which options you have, for instance with regards to cashouts, and how much referral commissions you can earn. In MLM, the subscriptions are what generates the income of the participants.

PTR: Paid to read. PTR programs are usually free to join. Members get paid for clicking links in e-mails & in the click section(s) of the programs. Rewards per click range from 0.25 to 5 cents per click.

Scam: Program that does not deliver as promised & usually never really had that intention anyway. People will also yell "scam" when a program simply cannot be sustained anymore & has closed or is sold for other than that reason. I wouldn’t call that a scam, but rather a "failed" program.

(above & below terms - this is where DD comes into play on your part.)

Ponzi: A program with no outside income besides member deposits. Members are paid from the new spends that are coming in & it will be impossible for all members to make a profit because one member’s profit will inevitably mean another member’s loss. Programs that openly admit being a ponzi are called games - programs that pretend to be something else are scams!

How To Tell If An Apple iPhone is a Fake

I am sure most of you have already seen many knock off products being
sold on Ebay that the seller is trying to trick you into thinking that
what is being sold is either a real genuine Apple product or as good
as an real Apple product. Neither is the case. First all apple
products that are made use the Apple proprietary pin dock. That
goes for Iphones, Nanos, Ipods, Shuffles and even the new 3rd gen
Nanos and new Ipod Touch. So if the product doesn't use this pin
dock it isn't a real Apple product period.

All Apple products will say designed by Apple in California somewhere
on the product. If it doesn't say it then it is most likely a fake although
they now have marks that say Finland or Japan.

I hope this helps you to avoid fake knock offs and paying for Apple
prices for useless junk. If you don' care about the Apple name and
buying the best made products then maybe these knock offs are for you.
Of course with any knock off products you won't get the support you
need plus the quality will be average to horrible so in the end saving
a little money now may end up costing you much more later down the
road when it falls apart. That's your choice of course for me I stay
clear away from knock offs because they just aren't up to par and they
rip off the original designers of the real products so I don't
contribute to those companies that build knock off products.

Roma's World Blog

This is my new blog where I will be posting everyday events, stories, reviews & rants. All posts will also be extremely informational to everyone. This is a blog for all individuals or groups from all walks of life. I will be sharing my heart, soul & mind for the world to see. I have 100's of articles I have wrote over the years that I will be posting as well & will include when it was written in each post as well as very recent articles as well.